

  • 陈庆柏,王景仙编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787566306692
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:176页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:188页
  • 主题词:金融-英语-高等学校-教学参考资料


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Part One Introduction3

1.Suggested Teaching Methodology3

2.The Supplementary Reading Materials3

3.How to Set Examination Papers for This Course4

4.A Few Academic Issues and Some Rethinking Relating to the Translation ofthe Main Texts5

5.On the Distinctions between British English(BrE)and American English(AmE)18

6.On the Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chinese and English25

7.Detailed Syllabus for Teaching the Main Texts31

Part Two The Main Body39

Unit One Chinese Translation of the Main Texts39

第一章 货币的基础知识39

第二章 货币供给44

第三章 货币政策47

第四章 财政政策49

第五章 金融市场概述51

第六章 美国的货币市场53

第七章 美国的资本市场56

第八章 外汇市场59

第九章 抵押贷款市场61

第十章 证券市场64

第十一章 金融衍生工具市场(1)69

第十二章 金融衍生工具市场(2)71

第十三章 金融衍生工具市场(3)73

第十四章 国际金融市场75

第十五章 金融机构概述78

第十六章 银行机构银行80

第十七章 美国的中央银行82

第十八章 美国的商业银行85

第十九章 美国的投资银行88

第二十章 美国的金融中介机构90

第二十一章 美国金融系统的监管93

第二十二章 美国对银行的监管96

第二十三章 美国对证券业的监管101

第二十四章 美国对保险业的监管103

第二十五章 美国对互助基金的监管106

第二十六章 美国对商业银行的管理109

第二十七章 美国对保险的管理113

第二十八章 金融机构的风险管理116

Unit Two Valuable Additions to the Main Texts119

1.Addition to Money Basics119

1.1 Definition of Money119

1.2 Ways of Calling American Legal Tender Notes or American Standard Paper Currency119

1.3 The Reason for Discussing Money119

2.Money Supply120

2.1 The Easiest and Simplest Definition120

2.2 Money Supply Rule120

3.Macroeconomic Policy120

3.1 Component Parts ofMacroeconomic Policy120

3.2 Main Macroeconomic Policy Targets120

3.3 Conventional Macroeconomic Policy Tools121

3.4 BriefComments on Macroeconomic Policy Tools121

4.Monetary Policy122

4.1 Two Simple Definitions122

4.2 Ways of Saying Easy Monetary Policy122

4.3 Content of Monetary Policy122

4.4 Goals of Monetary Policy122

5.Fiscal Policy122

5.1 Three More Definitions of Fiscal Policy122

5.2 Ways of Saying Easy and Tight Fiscal Policy122

5.3 Mix of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy123

5.4 Financial Policy Is Different from Fiscal Policy123

6.Money Markets123

6.1 The Striking Feature of American Money-Market Instruments123

6.2 The World's Largest Money Markets123

7.Capital Markets124

7.1 The Theory of Efficient Capital Markets124

7.2 International Capital Markets124

8.Foreign Exchange Markets124

8.1 When Was the Post-War System of Fixed Exchange Rates Created?124

8.2 Why Are Emerging Economies Seeking to Amass Foreign Exchange Reserves?125

8.3 The Largest Foreign Exchange Markets125

8.4 Structure of Foreign Exchange Markets125

9.U.S.Mortgage Markets126

9.1 British Financial Expert's Definition126

9.2 How Do Bank Customers in The UK Mortgage Their Homes to Secure Loans from a Bank?126

9.3 UK Mortgage Markets of Businesses126

10.Securities Markets127

10.1 Introduction to the London Stock Exchange127

10.2 Diversification in the Securities Markets131

10.3 Operation Twist in the U.S.Open Market132

10.4 U.S.Debt or Credit Market Instruments133

11.Derivatives Markets—Currency Swaps and Interest Rates Swaps134

11.1 Currency Swaps134

11.2 Interest Rate Swaps134

12.Global Financial Markets135

12.1 Fund Sources for Global Financial Markets135

12.2 Financial Markets and Financial System136

12.3 Opening Japan's Financial Markets136

13.U.S.Central Bank—the FRS or the Fed136

13.1 Differences between the U.S.Central Bank and Central Banks in Other Major Industrialized Countries136

13.2 Facts Showing the High Degree of the FRS'Independence137

13.3 Why Is There Opposition to the FRS Independence?137

13.4 What Are the Arguments for an Independent FRS?137

13.5 The ChiefFunctions of the Board of Governors of the FRS138

13.6 The FRS Member Banks138

13.7 The Special Role of the FRS Bank of New York139

13.8 The Functions of the 12 FRS Banks139

13.9 Tools for the FRS to Implement U.S.Monetary Policy140

13.10 Trends in Central Banking Development140

14.Types ofDeposits Taken by American Commercial Banks141

14.1 Demand Deposits141

14.2 Savings Deposits141

14.3 Time Deposits141

15.American Investment Bank's Functions141

16.Financial Intermediaries in the U.S142

16.1 When Do Financial Intermediaries Come into Play?142

16.2 The Two"Submarkets"Created by Financial Intermediaries to Facilitate the Flows ofFunds between Savers and Borrowers142

16.3 Categorization of Financial Intermediaries142

16.4 Financial Intermediaries in Britain143

17.U.S.Financial System Regulation143

17.1 Reasons for Regulating U.S.Financial System143

17.2 Maior Differences between U.S.Financial Regulation and Other Advanced Countries'Financial Regulation144

17.3 U.S.Banking Regulation144

17.4 U.S.Mutual Fund Regulation145

17.5 U.S.ChiefSecurities-Transaction Regulatory Agency(SEC)145

18.Financial Management146

18.1 Company Finance Management in the U.K146

18.2 Risk Management of U.K.Insurance Company147

18.3 European Sovereign Debt Crisis Management148

19.Derivatives Business150

19.1 What Are Derivatives?150

19.2 What Laws Are Applied to the Business of Derivatives?150

19.3 WhatAre Other Simple Definitions of a Derivative Market?150

Part Three Appendices153

The Finance Glossary153

Main References176
