
应用电路分析 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

应用电路分析 英文版
  • (美)萨迪库等著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787111417811
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:694页
  • 文件大小:112MB
  • 文件页数:706页
  • 主题词:电路分析-高等学校-教材-英文


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PART 1 DC Circuits2

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts3

1.1 Introduction4

1.2 International Systems of Units5

1.3 Scientific and Engineering Notation6

1.4 ?Scientific Calculators8

1.5 Charge and Current10

1.6 Voltage12

1.7 Powerand Energy15

1.8 ?Applications16

1.8.1 TV Picture Tube16

1.8.2 Electricity Bills18

1.9 Summary18

Review Questions19


Comprehensive Problems22

Chapter 2 Resistance23

2.1 Introduction24

2.2 Resistance24

2.3 Ohmis Law27

2.4 Conductance29

2.5 Circular Wires30

2.6 Typesof Resistors32

2.7 Resistor Color Code35

2.8 Standard Resistor Values37

2 9 Applications:Measurements38

2.10 Electrical Safety Precautions40

2.10.1 Electric Shock40

2.10.2 Precautions40

2.11 Summary41

Review Questions42


Chapter 3 Power and Energy47

3.1 Introduction48

3.2 Power and Energy48

3.3 Power in Electric Circuits49

3.4 Power Sign Convention51

3.5 Resistor Power Ratings52

3.6 Efficiency53

3.7 Fuses,Circuit Breakers,and GFCls54

3.8 ?Applications:Wattmeter and Watt-hour Meter56

3.8.1 Wattmeter56

3.8.2 Watt-hour Meter57

3.9 Summary57

Review Questions58


Chapter 4 Series Circuits63

4.1 Introduction64

4.2 Nodes,Branches,and Loops64

4.3 Resistors in Series66

4.4 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law68

4.5 Voltage Sources in Series71

4.6 Voltage Dividers71

4.7 Ground Connections73

4.8 Computer Analysis74

4.8.1 PSpice74

4.8.2 Multisim76

4.9 Applications77

4.10 Summary78

Review Questions78


Chapter 5 Parallel Circuits87

5.1 Introduction88

5.2 Parallel Circuits88

5.3 Kirchhoff's Current Law89

5.4 Current Sources in Parallel91

5.5 Resistors in Parallel92

5.6 Current Dividers96

5.7 Computer Analysis100

5.7.1 PSpice100

5.7.2 Multisim100

5.8 Troubleshooting101

5.9 ?Applications103

5.10 Summary105

Review Questions105


Chapter 6 Series-Parallel Circuits113

6.1 Introduction114

6.2 Series-Parallel Circuits114

6.3 Ladder Networks120

6.4 Dependent Sources123

6.5 Loading Effects of Instruments124

6.6 Computer Analysis128

6.6.1 PSpice128

6.6.2 Multisim128

6.7 ?Application:Wheatstone Bridge130

6.8 Summary131

Review Questions132


Chapter 7 Methods of Analysis141

7.1 Introduction143

7 2 Mesh Analysis144

7.3 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources150

7.4 Nodal Analysis153

7.5 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources160

7 6 ?Mesh and Nodal Analysis by Inspection163

7 7 Mesh Versus Nodal Analysis166

7.8 ?Wye-Delta Transformations167

7.8.1△-to-Y Conversion168

7.8.2 Y-to-A Conversion169

7 9 Computer Analysis172

7.9 1 PSpice172

7 9.2 Multisim173

7.10 ?Applications:DC Transistor Circuits174

7.11 Summary176

Review Questions177


Chapter 8 Circuit Theorems187

8.1 Introduction188

8.2 Linearity Propety188

8.3 Superposition190

8.4 Source Transformations193

8.5 Thevenin's Theorem197

8.6 Norton'S Theorem202

8.7 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem206

8 8 ?Millman's Theorem208

8.9 ?Substitution Theorem210

8.10 ?Reciprocity Theorem212

8.11 Verifying Circuit Theorems with Computers214

8.11.1 PSpice214


8.12 ?Application:Source Modeling218

8.13 Summary220

Review Questions221


Chapter 9 Capacitance231

9.1 Introduction232

9.2 Capacitors232

9.3 Electric Fields234

9.4 Types of Capacitors237

9 5 Series and Parallel Capacitors239

9.6 Current-Voltage Relationship242

9.7 Charging and Discharging a Capacitor245

9 7.1 Charging Cycle245

9.7.2 Discharging Cycle246

9.8 Computer Analysis249

9.8.1 PSpice249

9.8.2 Multisim252

9.9 Troubleshooting253

9.10 ?Applications254

9.10.1 Delay Circuits255

9.10.2 Photoflash Unit256

9.11 Summary258

Review Questions258


Chapter 10 Inductance267

10.1 Introduction268

10.2 Electromagnetic Induction268

10.3 Inductors269

10.4 Energy Storage and Steady-State DC271

10.5 Types of lnductors273

10.6 Series and Parallellnductors274

10.7 Transient RL Circuits276

10.8 Computer Analysis279

10.8.1 PSpice279

10.8.2 Multisim280

10.9 ?Applications282

10.9.1 Relay Circuits282

10.9.2 Automobile Ignition Circuits283

10.10 Summary284

Review Questions285


PART 2 AC Circuits292

Chapter 11 AC Voltage and Current293

11.1 Introduction294

11.2 AC Voltage Generator294

11.3 Sinusoids296

11.4 Phase Relations298

11.5 Average and RMS Values300

11.6 Oscilloscopes304

11 7 TrueRMSMeters305

11.8 Summary305

Review Questions306


Chapter 12 Phasors and Impedance309

12.1 Introduction310

12.2 Phasors and Complex Numbers310

12.3 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements317

12 4 Impedance and Admittance319

12.5 Impedance Combinations321

12.6 Computer Analysis327

12.6.1 MATLAB327

12.6.2 PSpice327

12.7 ?Applications329

12.7.1 Phase-Shifters329

12.7.2 AC Bridges331

12.8 Summary333

Review Questions334


Chapter 13 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis341

13 1 Introduction342

13.2 Mesh Analysis342

13.3 Nodal Analysis346

13 4 Superposition Theorem350

13.5 Source Transformation353

13.6 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits355

13.7 Computer Analysis360

13.8 Summaty362

Review Questions362


Chapter 14 AC Power Analysis371

14.1 Introduction372

14.2 Instantaneous and Average Power373

14.3 Maximum Average Power Transfer376

14.4 Apparent Power and Power Factor379

14.5 Complex Power382

14.6 ?Conservation of AC Power386

14.7 Power Factor Correction389

14.8 ?Applications391

14.8.1 Power Measurement391

14.8.2 Electricity Consumption393

14.8.3 Power in CPUs395

14.9 Summary395

Review Questions396


Chapter 15 Resonance403

15.1 Introduction404

15.2 Series Resonance404

15.3 Quality Factor407

15.4 Parallel Resonance409

15.5 Computer Analysis412

15.5.1 PSpice412

15.5.2 Multisim416

15.6 ?Applications417

15.7 Summary419

Review Questions420


Chapter 16 Filters and Bode Plots425

16.1 Introduction426

16.2 The Decibel Scale426

16.3 Transfer Function431

16.4 Bode Plots434

16.5 Filters442

16.5.1 Lowpass Filter443

16.5.2 Highpass Filter444

16.5.3 Bandpass Filter444

16.5.4 Bandstop Filter445

16.6 Computer Analysis447

16.6.1 PSpice447

16.6.2 Multisim450

16.7 Applications451

16.7.1 Touch-Tone Telephone452

16.7.2 Crossover Network453

16.8 Summary455

Review Questions455


Chapter 17 Three-Phase Circuits461

17.1 Introduction462

17.2 Three-Phase Generator463

17.3 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages464

17.4 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection466

17.5 Balanced Wye-Delta Connection470

17.6 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection473

17.7 Balanced Deita-Wye Connection474

17.8 Power in a Balanced System477

17.9 ?Unbalanced Three-Phase Systems482

17.10 Computer Analysis486

17.11 ?Applications490

17.11.1 Three-Phase Power Measurement490

17.11.2 Residential Electrical Wiring495

17.12 Summary497

Review Questions498


Chapter 18 Transformers and Coupled Circuits505

18.1 Introduction506

18.2 Mutual Inductance506

18.3 Energy in a Coupled Circuit513

18.4 Linear Transformers515

18.5 ldeal Transfomers521

18.6 Ideal Autotransformers528

18.7 Computer Analysis531

18.8 ?Applications536

18.8.1 Transformers as Isolation Devices536

18.8.2 Transformers as Matching Devices538

18.8.3 Power Distribution539

18.9 Summary541

Review Questions542


Chapter 19 Two-Port Networks551

19.1 Introduction552

19.2 Impedance Parameters552

19.3 Admittance Parameters556

19.4 Hybrid Parameters559

19.5 ?Relationships Between Parameters563

19.6 Interconnection of Networks565

19.7 Computer Analysis568

19.8 ?Applications572

19.9 Summary576

Review Questions576

