
- 马晓东著;陈海燕,张韶宁译 著
- 出版社: 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- ISBN:7560041159
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:203页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:208页
- 主题词:英语-对照读物-汉、英
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上古文学 The Literature of Ancient Times4
诗经 Book of Songs6
先秦历史散文 Pre-Qin Historical Essays8
诸子散文 Essays of the Sages10
孔子与《论语》 Confucius and The Analects12
庄子 Zhuang Zi14
楚辞 Chuci16
屈原 Qu Yuan18
汉乐府 Han-Dynasty Yuefu20
古诗十九首 Nineteen Ancient Poems22
孔雀东南飞 The Bride of Jiao Zhongqing24
汉代文学的正宗 Orthodox of Han-Dynasty Literature26
史家绝唱 Records of the Historian28
建安风骨 Jian'an Style:An Age of Literary Talents30
曹氏父子 The Cao Father and Sons32
傲视世俗的阮籍和嵇康 Reclusive Writers Ruan Ji and Ji Kang34
隐逸诗人陶渊明 Reclusive Poet Tao Yuanming36
山水诗人谢灵运 Landscape Poet Xie Lingyun38
南朝民歌 Folksongs of the Southern Dynasties40
北朝民歌 Folksongs of the Northern Dynasties42
工整华丽的文体——骈文 Balanced and Ornate—Parallel Prose44
奇异的神鬼世界——《搜神记》 Weird World—In Search of Gods46
名士风流——《世说新语》 Stories of Celebrities—A New Account of the Tales of the World48
文论奇葩——《文心雕龙》 An Outstanding Work of Literary Criticism—Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature50
诗歌的黄金时代 The Golden Age of Chinese Poetry52
走向诗国高潮的初唐诗歌 Early Tang Poetry54
春江花月夜 Moonlit Night by the Spring River56
王维“诗中有画” Wang Wei—a Poet and Painter58
诗仙李白 The Celestial Poet Li Bai60
诗圣杜甫 The Sage Poet Du Fu62
烽烟中的慷慨悲吟——边塞诗 Frontier Poetry—Fervent and Tragic Songs out of the Fires of War64
雅俗共赏的白居易 Bai Juyi,a Poet Beloved High and Low66
古文运动 Classicist Movement68
一代文宗韩愈 Han Yu—Master of a Generation70
诗鬼李贺 Li He—Demon Poet72
杜牧 Du Mu74
难解的无题诗 Challenging Untitled Poems76
传写人生之奇的唐代小说 Tang-Dynasty Short Stories78
词 Ci Poetry80
脂粉气的花间词 The Flower School82
皇帝诗人 The Emperor Poet84
文坛盟主欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu—Leader of the Literary Realm86
奉旨填词的柳永 Liu Yong—Filling in Words on Imperial Decree88
苏轼 Su Shi90
黄庭坚和江西诗派 Huang Tingjian and the Jiangxi School92
词中老杜周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan,the Outstanding Ci Poet94
词坛女杰李清照 Li Qingzhan,a Remarkable Ci Poetess96
以身许国的陆游 Lu You,the Patriot Poet98
辛弃疾 Xin Qiji100
沧浪诗话 Talks on Poetry from Canglang102
话本小说 Huaben Short Stories104
元杂剧 Yuan-Dynasty Zaju106
关汉卿与《窦娥冤》 Guan Hanqing and The Wronging of Dou E108
西厢记 Romance of the West Chamber110
赵氏孤儿 The Orphan of the Zhao Family112
散曲 Sanqu,Independent Songs114
弘扬忠孝的《琵琶记》 The Story of a Pipa,an Ode to Loyalty and Filial Piety116
《三国演义》——中国古代的智慧书 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms118
英雄传奇《水浒传》 Outlaws of the Marsh—a Heroic Romance120
西游记 Journey to the West122
封神演义 The Deification of the Gods124
世情小说《金瓶梅》 The Plum in the Golden Vase126
汤显祖和《牡丹亭》 Tang Xianzu and The Peony Pavilion128
话本小说的集锦——三言 The Three Words—Collections of Vernacular Stories130
二拍 The Two Collections132
思想史上的异端——李贽 Li Zhi—A Heretic in the History of Philosophy134
晚明小品文 Essays of the Late Ming Dynasty136
戏剧技巧大师李渔 Li Yu Master of Drama Techniques138
生长于帝王之家的爱情 The Palace of Eternal Youth—Love Develops in a Royal Family140
桃花扇 The Peach Blossom Fan142
聊斋志异 The Strange Tales of Liaozhai144
儒林外史 Unofficial History about Scholars as a Class146
红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions148
开近代文学风气的龚自珍 Gong Zizhen,a Pioneer of Modern Chinese Literature150
诗界革命的楷模黄遵宪 Huang Zunxian,Advocate of"Revolution in Poetry"152
近代文化史上的奇人梁启超 Liang Qichao—a Legendary Figure in the Modern History of Chinese Culture154
崇白话而废文言 Advocating Vernacular and Abolishing Classical Chinese156
近代翻译文学 Modern Translated Literature158
不懂外语的翻译家林纾 Lin Shu,the Translator Who Did Not Know a Foreign Language160
刘鹗与《老残游记》 Liu E and The Travels of Lao Can162
鸳鸯蝴蝶派 The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School164
文学革命与五四时期的文学 Literary Revolution and the Literature of the Corresponding Period166
现代文学的灵魂——鲁迅 Lu Xun,the Soul of Modern Chinese Literature168
阿Q的精神胜利法 Ah Q's Therapy of Spiritual Victory170
郭沫若 Guo Moruo172
冰心 Bing Xin174
郁达夫与自叙传小说 Yu Dafu and His Autobiographical Stories176
周作人 Zhou Zuoren178
幽默大师林语堂 Lin Yutang,a Master of Humor180
茅盾 Mao Dun182
老舍与京味小说 Lao She and His Novels of Beijingers184
巴金 Ba Jin186
沈从文 Shen Congwen188
雨巷诗人戴望舒 Dai Wangshu,a Poet of"The Lane in the Rain"190
曹禺 Cao Yu192
女性的天空是低的 "The Sky is Too Low for Women"194
大雅大俗的张爱玲 Zhang Ailing,Popular among Both High and Low196
艾青 Ai Qing198
现代诗人穆旦 Mu Dan,a Modern Poet200
钱钟书和《围城》 Qian Zhongshu and Fortress Besieged202
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