
坎贝尔骨科手术学 截肢及感染分册 影印版 第12版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

坎贝尔骨科手术学 截肢及感染分册 影印版 第12版
  • S·TerryCanale,JamesH·Beaty,S·泰瑞·卡奈尔著 著
  • 出版社: 天津科学技术翻译出版社
  • ISBN:9787543332492
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:786页
  • 文件大小:43MB
  • 文件页数:199页
  • 主题词:骨科学-外科手术-英文;截肢-外科手术-英文;截肢-感染-英文


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14 General Principles of Amputations&Patrick C.Toy598

15 Amputations of the Foot&David R.Richardson613

16 Amputations of the Lower Extremity&Marc J.Mihalko637

17 Amputations of the Hip and Pelvis&Marc J.Mihalko651

18 Amputations of the Upper Extremity&Kevin B.Cleveland659

19 Amputations of the Hand&James H.Calandruccio673


20 General Principles of Infection&Kevin B.Cleveland706

21 Osteomyelitis&Gregory D.Dabov725

22 Infectious Arthritis&Anthony A.Mascioli and Ashley L.Park749

23 Tuberculosis and Other Unusual Infections&Marc J.Mihalko773

List of Techniques615

Amputations of the Foot615

15-1 Terminal Syme Amputation615

15-2 Amputation at the Base of the Proximal Phalanx616

15-3 Metatarsophalangeal Joint Disarticulation617

15-4 Metatarsophalangeal Joint Disarticulation619

15-5 First or Fifth Ray Amputation(Border Ray Amputation)619

15-6 Central Ray Amputation620

15-7 Transmetatarsal Amputation622

15-8 Chopart Amputation624

15-9 Syme Amputation627

15-10 Two-Stage SymeAmputation(Wyssetal.;Malone et al.;Wagner)632

15-11 Boyd Amputation633

Amputations of the Lower Extremity638

16-1 Transtibial Amputation638

16-2 Transtibial Amputation Using Long Posterior Skin Flap(Burgess)640

16-3 Knee Disarticulation(Batch Spittler,and McFaddin)642

16-4 Knee Disarticulation(Mazet and Hennessy)644

16-5 Knee Disarticulation(Kjoble)645

16-6 Transfemoral(Above-Knee)Amputation of Nonischemic Limbs646

16-7 Transfemoral(Above-Knee),Amputation of Nonischemic Limbs(Gottschalk)646

16-8 Transfemoral(Above-Knee)Amputation for Ischemic Limbs648

Amputations of the Hip and Pelvis651

17-1 Anatomical Hip Disarticulation(Boyd)651

17-2 Posterior Flap(Slocum)653

17-3 Standard Hemipelvectomy653

17-4 Anterior Flap Hemipelvectomy655

17-5 Conservative Hemipelvectomy655

Amputations of the Upper Extremity659

18-1 Amputation at the Wrist659

18-2 Disarticulation of the Wrist660

18-3 Distal Forearm(Distal Transradial)Amputation660

18-4 Proximal Third of Forearm(Proximal Transradial)Amputation662

18-5 Disarticulation of the Elbow662

18-6 Supracondylar Area663

18-7 Amputation Proximal to the Supracondylar Area664

18-8 Amputation Through the Surgical Neck of the Humerus664

18-9 Disarticulation of the Shoulder664

18-10 Anterior Approach(Berger)667

18-11 Posterior Approach(Littlewood)671

Amputations of the Hand678

19-1 Kutler V-Y Triangular Advancement Flap(Kutler;Fisher)678

19-2 Atasoy V-Y Triangular Advancement Flap(Atasoy et al.)680

19-3 Bipedicle Dorsal Flaps681

19-4 Adipofascial Turnover Flap682

19-5 Thenar Flap682

19-6 Local Neurovascular Island Flap683

19-7 Island Pedicle Flap683

19-8 Retrograde Island Pedicle Flap684

19-9 Ulnar Hypothenar Flap685

19-10 Index Ray Amputation685

19-11 Transposing the Index Ray(Peacock)687

19-12 Advancement Pedicle Flap for Thumb Injuries690

19-13 Phalangization of Fifth Metacarpal691

19-14 Krukenberg Reconstruction(Krukenberg;Swanson)692

19-15 Lengthening of Metacarpal and Transfer of Local Flap (Gillies and Millard Modified)695

19-16 Osteoplastic Reconstruction and Transfer of Neurovascular Island Graft(Verdan)696

19-17 Riordan Pollicization (Riordan)696

19-18 Buck-Gramcko Pollicization(Buck-Gramcko)698

19-19 Foucher Pollicization700


21-1 Drainage ofAcute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis729

21-2 Sequestrectomy and Curettage for Chronic Osteomyelitis734

21-3 Open Bone Grafting(Papineau et al.;Archdeacon and Messerschmitt)735

21-4 Antibiotic Bead Pouch(Henry,Ostermann,and Seligson)736

21-5 Intramedullary Antibiotic Cement Nail736

21-6 Split-Heel Incision(Gaenslen)741

21-7 Distal Third of the Femur741

21-8 Drainage742

21-9 Resection of the Metatarsals743

21-10 Partial Calcanectomy743

21-11 Resection of the Fibula744

21-12 Resection of the Iliac Wing(Badgley)744

Infectious Arthritis753

22-1 Surgical Drainage of the Tarsal Joint753

22-2 Anterolateral Drainage of the Ankle753

22-3 Posterolateral Drainage of the Ankle753

22-4 Anteromedial Drainage of the Ankle754

22-5 Posteromedial Drainage of the Ankle754

22-6 Arthroscopic Drainage of the Knee755

22-7 Anterior Drainage of the Knee755

22-8 Posterolateral and Posteromedial Drainage of the Knee(Henderson)755

22-9 Posteromedial Drainage of the Knee(Klein)755

22-10 Posteromedial and Posterolateral Drainage of the Knee(Kelikian)756

22-11 Lateral Aspiration of the Hip757

22-12 Anterior Aspiration of the Hip758

22-13 Medial Aspiration of the Hip758

22-14 Posterior Drainage of the Hip(Ober)758

22-15 Anterior Drainage of the Hip758

22-16 Lateral Drainage of the Hip758

22-17 Medial Drainage of the Hip(Ludloff)759

22-18 Resection of the Hip(Girdlestone)761

22-19 Anterior Drainage of the Shoulder762

22-20 Posterior Drainage of the Shoulder763

22-21 Medial Drainage of the Elbow763

22-22 Lateral Drainage of the Elbow763

22-23 Posterior Drainage of the Elbow764

22-24 Lateral Drainage of the Wrist764

22-25 Medial Drainage of the Wrist765

22-26 Dorsal Drainage of the Wrist765

22-27 Osteotomy of the Ankle765

22-28 Transverse Supracondylar Osteotomy of the Femur765

22-29 V-Osteotomy of the Femur(Thompson)766

22-30 Supracondylar Cuneiform Osteotomy of the Femur766

22-31 Supracondylar Controlled Rotational Osteotomy of the Femur766

22-32 Intraarticular Osteotomy768

22-33 Reconstruction after Hips Sepsis(Harmon)769

22-34 Transverse Opening Wedge Osteotomy of the Hip770

22-35 Transverse Closing Wedge Osteotomy of the Hip771

22-36 Brackett Osteotomy of the Hip(Brackett)771

Tuberculosis and Other Unusual Infections776

23-1 Curettage for Tuberculous Lesions in the Foot776

23-2 Excision of Metatarsal776

23-3 Excision of Cuneiform Bones777

23-4 Excision of Navicular777

23-5 Excision of Cuboid777

23-6 Excision of Calcaneus777

23-7 Excision of Talus777

23-8 Partial Synovectomy and Curettage(Wilkinson)779

23-9 Lesions above Acetabulum779

23-10 Lesions of the Femoral Neck779

23-11 Lesions of the Trochanteric Area(Ahern)780

23-12 Excision of the Hip Joint780

23-13 Excision of Elbow Joint781

23-14 Excision of Wrist Joint781
