
- 王礼先,于志民编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国林业出版社
- ISBN:7503826894
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:282页
- 文件大小:16MB
- 文件页数:315页
- 主题词:暴雨洪水 泥石流
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1.1.1 Concepts of torrent1
1 概论1
1 Intraduction1
1.1 Concepts of torrent,mountain torrent and debris flow1
1.1 荒溪、山洪及泥石流的概念1
1.1.2 Concepts of mountain torrent and debris flow4
1.1.2 山洪及泥石流的概念4
1.2 山洪及泥石流的分布与危害6
1.2 Distribution and harm of mountain torrent and debris flow6
1.3 Contributing factors of mountain torrent and debris flow11
1.3.1 Hydrological factors11
1.3 山洪及泥石流的形成因素11
1.3.1 水文因素11
1.3.2 Geological and geomorphological factors15
1.3.2 地质与地貌因素15
2 荒溪分类19
2.1 国内外荒溪分类现状19
2.1.1 国外19
2 Torrent classification19
2.1 Present situation of torrent classification19
2.1.1 External19
2.1.2 国内的荒溪分类22
2.1.2 Internal22
2.2 Torrent classification in mountain area of Beijing26
2.2.1 General situation of Beijing mountain area26
2.2 北京山区荒溪分类26
2.2.1 北京山区概况26
2.2.2 Harm caused by torrents and debris flow35
2.2.2 北京山区荒溪灾害概况35
2.2.3 Principles of torrent classification39
2.2.3 荒溪分类原则39
2.2.4 Integrated index of torrent classification40
2.2.4 荒溪分类的综合指数法40
2.2.5 Marking for index of torrent classification41
2.2.5 荒溪分类指标与评分41
2.2.6 判别山坡稳定性的综合指数法43
2.2.6 Integrated index of mountain slope stabilization43
2.2.7 Investigation results of torrent classification in Beijing46
2.2.7 北京山区荒溪分类调查成果46
3 Hazard-zone mapping of mountain torrent and debris flow49
3 山洪及泥石流危险区制图49
3.1 Present situation of hazard-zone mapping50
3.2 Method of hazard-zone mapping in Beijing mountain area51
3.2.1 Hazard-zone mapping of mountain torrent51
3.2 北京山区山洪、泥石流危险区制图方法51
3.2.1 山洪荒溪危险区制图51
3.2.2 Model of hazard-zone mapping used for computer53
3.2.2 北京山区山洪荒溪危险区制图模型及计算机实现53
3.2.3 Hazard-zone mapping of debris flow58
3.2.3 泥石流荒溪危险区制图58
3.2.4 北京山洪及泥石流危险区制图成果60
3.2.4 Investigation results of hazard-zone mapping in Beijing60
3.3 泥石流荒溪危险区制图数值模型63
3.3 Numerical model for hazard-zone mapping of debris flow63
3.3.1 现有泥石流模型研究成果64
3.3.1 Present situation of debris flow model research64
3.3.2 Numerical model of debris flow movement67
3.3.3 Application of numerical model of debris flow movement to hazard-zone mapping82
4 Infomation system of torrent classification and hazard-zone mapping in Beijing89
4.1 Objectives and significances89
4 北京山区荒溪分类与危险区制图信息管理系统89
4.1 目的与意义89
4.2 国内外研究现状92
4.2 Present situation92
4.2.2 Internal92
4.2.1 External92
4.2.2 国内研究概况92
4.2.1 国外研究概况92
4.3.1 信息系统研究和开发的必要性93
4.3 Analyse of infomation system of torrent classification and hazard-zone mapping93
4.3.1 Neccessity of development93
4.3 北京山区荒溪分类和危险区制图信息管理系统分析93
4.3.2 信息系统开发的可行性94
4.3.2 Feasibility of development94
4.3.3 信息系统数据分析95
4.3.3 Data analyse of infomation system95
4.4 北京山区荒溪分类和危险区制图信息管理系统设计96
4.4.1 Principles of design96
4.4 Design of information system96
4.4.1 系统设计原则96
4.4.2 系统总体设计97
4.4.2 Overall design of information system97
4.5.1 属性数据管理子系统的结构与功能100
4.5 属性数据管理子系统100
4.5.1 Structure and function of attributing data management substem100
4.5 Subsystem of attributing data management100
4.5.2 数据来源、类型及数据字典107
4.5.2 Data sources,data type and data dictionary107
4.5.3 属性数据库结构设计108
4.5.3 Structure designing of attributing data-base108
4.6 图形数据管理子系统109
4.6.1 Structure and function of figure data management subsystem109
4.6 Management subsystem of figure data109
4.6.2 Data sources of figure infomation management subsystem for torrent classification and hazard-zone mapping in Beijing112
4.7 北京山区荒溪分类模型开发113
4.7 Model development of torrent classification in Beijing113
4.7.1 荒溪分类评判方法、模型分析114
4.7.1 Evaluating method and model analyse114
4.7.2 Model analyse with computer116
5 Critical rainstorm for debris flow damage in Beijing119
5 北京山区泥石流灾害临界暴雨量研究119
5.1 有雨量观测站的泥石流危险区119
5.1 In area with raingauge119
5.1.1 Data source and analyse120
5.1.2 Establishement of evaluating model126
5.1.2 判别模型的建立126
5.1.3 Application and examination of predicting model132
5.1.3 预报模型的应用与检验132
5.2 In area without raingauge137
5.2.2 判别模型的建立137
5.2 无雨量观测站的泥石流危险区137
5.2.1 资料来源与分析137
5.2.1 Data source and analyse137
5.2.2 Establishment of evaluating model137
5.2.3 Application and examination142
5.2.3 模型的应用与检验142
5.3.1 Man-made Nervous net and it s mechanizm161
5.3.1 人工神经网络及其内在机制161
5.3 神经网络在暴雨泥石流灾害预报中的应用161
5.3 Application of Nervous net model to the debris flow damage prediction161
5.3.2 神经网络与传统预测方法的比较163
5.3.2 Camparation of Nervous net method with traditional predicting method163
5.3.3 Anti-transmit studing method-BP method164
5.3.4 基于神经网络的暴雨泥石流实时预报模型167
5.3.5 模型应用及结果167
5.3.5 Results of Application167
5.3.4 Predicting model of rainstorm debris flow based on Nervous net167
6.1 Objectives and significances181
6 高分辨率中尺度降水预测模式开发研究181
6.1 高分辨率中尺度模式降水(等值线)预测研究的目的与意义181
6 Development of rainfall prediction model will high resolving power and middle scale181
6.2 Present situation182
6.2 国内外研究的现状182
6.2.1 External182
6.2.1 国外研究的现状182
6.2.2 Internal184
6.2.2 国内研究的现状184
6.3.2 MOMS2的主体结构186
6.3 高分辨率中尺度降水(等值线预测)模式的开发技术路线与流程186
6.3.2 Structure of MOMS2186
6.3.1 Brief introduction of model186
6.3 Technical line and process186
6.3.3 MOMS2的前置处理197
6.3.3 Prepositive treatment of MOMS2197
6.3.4 侧边界条件204
6.3.4 Condition of side boundary204
6.3.5 物理过程的参数化205
6.3.5 Parameters of physical process205
6.3.6 对预报结果的后期处理210
6.3.6 Treatment of prediction results in later stage210
6.4 模式主要技术指标、运行环境及内容213
6.4.1 Main technical index213
6.4 Main technical index moving condition and contents of MOMS2213
6.4.2 Moving condition214
6.3.7 MOMS2流程框图214
6.4.2 系统运行环境214
6.4.3 系统软件内容214
6.3.7 Process frame of MOMS2214
6.4.3 Contents of system software214
6.4.5 Evaluating method of prediction result215
6.4.5 系统预报结果评分方法215
6.4.4 Parameter file of system215
6.5.1 模式试预报的应用方案设计216
6.5 模式的应用:预报试验216
6.5.1 Experimental application of MOMS2216
6.5 Application of model:Prediction and examination216
6.5.3 暴雨的模拟与检验217
6.5.2 模式控制模拟217
6.5.3 Simulation and experiment of rainstorm217
6.5.2 Controllable simulation of model217
6.5.4 1998年汛期在京津冀强风暴试验基地预报应用结果的检验219
6.5.4 Examination of prediction result in flooding season of 1998219
6.5.5 Prediction result of a strongest rainstorm on 1998 in Beijing220
6.5.5 1998年北京一次最强降水个例(1998年7月5~6日)预报效果220
6.6.1 结论226
6.6.1 Conclusion226
6.6 Conclusion and suggestion226
6.6.2 建议227
6.6.2 Suggestion227
7 Warning system of debris flow in Beijing mountain area228
7.1 建立北京山区泥石流灾害预警系统的目的及意义228
7.1 Objectives and significance228
7 北京山区泥石流灾害预警系统的研究228
7.2 Present situation229
7.2 国内外研究概况229
7.3 Structure of warning system230
7.3.1 Logical structure of system230
7.3.1 系统的逻辑结构230
7.3 系统的基本结构230
7.3.2 系统的物理结构231
7.3.2 Physical structure of system231
7.4.2 Model for rainfall prediction232
7.4.1 Model of critical rainfall for debris flow232
7.4 Model of critical rainfall for debris flow and model for rainfall prediction232
7.4.2 降雨数值预报模型232
7.4.1 北京山区荒溪泥石流灾害暴雨判别模型232
7.4 荒溪泥石流灾害危险区划分及系统模型设计232
7.5.2 Attributing data-base of hazard-zone233
7.5.2 荒溪危险区基本情况属性数据库233
7.5 预警系统属性数据库设计233
7.5.1 Requirement of system to attributing data-base233
7.5 Design of attributing data-base of warning system233
7.5.3 Attributing data-base of rainfall factors234
7.5.4 Multi-media data-base of hazard-zone237
7.5.5 Figural data-base of hazard-zone237
7.5.5 北京山区荒溪危险区图形库237
7.5.4 北京山区荒溪危险区多媒体数据库237
7.6 Function of warning system240
7.6 系统功能240
7.6.1 Data management245
7.6.1 数据管理245
7.6.2 系统查询功能246
7.6.2 Inquring function of system246
7.6.3 Prediction of damage caused by debris flow249
7.6.3 泥石流灾害预报249
7.6.4 Production of figures and tables254
7.6.4 图表生成254
7.6.5 Releasing of information256
7.6.5 信息发布256
Appendix 1264
Appendix 2278
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