澳门历史 1840-1949【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 邓开颂著 著
- 出版社: 澳门历史学会
- 出版时间:1995
- 标注页数:437页
- 文件大小:47MB
- 文件页数:461页
- 主题词:
澳门历史 1840-1949PDF格式电子书版下载
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第一章 鸦片战争与澳门1
CHAPTER 1 The Opium War and Macao1
第一节 澳门成为西方列强侵华的活动基地2
一 作为外商在华居留地2
A Macao as the residence of foreign merchants in China2
ⅠMacao as the base for the Western Powers invasion of China2
B Macao as the centre of western invasion4
二 作为西方侵略者活动中心4
A Lin sent secret agents to Macao10
B lin gave orders to translate Macao Gazette10
Ⅱ Lin Zexu came to Macao in person10
第二节 林则徐亲临澳门10
二 翻译《澳门新闻纸》10
一 派人赴澳坐探10
三 林则徐在澳门问题上的一系列措施12
C Lin adpoted series of measures concering Macao12
四 林则徐巡阅澳门18
D Lin inspected Macao18
一 成为西方列强侵略东南沿海的跳板23
第三节 鸦片战争对澳门的影响23
A As springboard for the Western Powers invasion of Southeastern coastal areas23
Ⅲ The influense of Opium War on Macao23
二 经济上的衰落与葡人社会大移民27
B The economic decline and the mass immigration of the Portuguese Society27
三 文化极纽作用的削弱和《世界地理备考》28
C The defline of Macao as a cultural centre and The World Geography Reference28
四 澳门人民光荣的爱国传统29
D The glorious patriotic tradition of the people in Macao29
A The Portuguese in Macao raised series of unjustifiable demands33
一 澳葡提出一系列无理要求33
CHAPTER 2 Portugal got the right of the permanent residence and administration in Macao33
Ⅰ Portugal seized the opportunity to practies her policies of aggression and expansion33
第一节 葡萄牙伺机推行侵略扩张政策33
第二章 葡萄牙取得澳门的“永居管理”权33
B The King of Portugal delared without the authorization of China that Macao be a free port35
二 葡萄牙国王擅自宣布澳门为自由港35
C The illegal measures of Governor-General of Macao,José Poderiques Coelho do Amaral38
三 澳督阿玛勒的非法措施38
二 沈志亮智杀阿玛勒41
一 清政府的抗议41
第二节 中国人民反击葡萄牙的义士侵略41
ⅡThe Chinese fought back against Portuguese invasion41
A The protest by the Qing Government41
B The patriot Shen Zhiliang assassinated Amaral41
三 军曹米士基打“投井自杀”43
C The Suicide of Portuguese officer Vicente Nicolao de Mesquita43
A The negotiations in regard with Treaty of Friendship And Trade Between Portugal And China and the territorial expansion of the Portuguese in Macao44
第三节 中葡《和好通商条约》的订立44
Ⅲ The conclusion of Treaty of Friendship And Trade Between Portugal And China44
一 中葡《和好贸易章程》的谈判和澳葡的占地扩张44
B The negotiation and signing of Treaty of Friendship And Trade Between Portugal And China49
二 中葡《和好通商条约》的谈判与签订49
ⅠThe Portuguese further expansion and the anti-expansion struggle of Guangdong people63
CHAPTER 3 The portuguese further expansion and the anti-invasion struggle of the Chinese people63
A The Portuguese expansion in Macao63
一 澳葡的扩张行径63
第一节 澳葡的继续扩界和广东军民反扩界63
第三章 澳葡继续扩张与中国人民的反侵略斗争63
B The military and political circles and people of Guangdong fought against the Portuguese expansion66
二 广东军政界和人民的抵制澳葡的扩张66
ⅡThe negotiation about the boundary definition69
一 “二辰丸”事件的交涉69
第二节 澳门勘界谈判69
A The negotiation about the Nisin Maru Incident69
二 勘界谈判70
B The negotiation about the boundary definition of Macao70
三 “五·二九”事件和中葡《和好通商条约》的停止76
C The May 29th Incident and the ending of Treaty of Friendship And Rtade Between Portugal And China76
A The Portuguese remaining neutral in Macao and the control of Macao by the Japanese Army84
第三节 澳门同胞的抗日救亡运动84
Ⅲ The anti-Japanese national salvation movement of the compatriots in Macao84
一 澳葡的“中立”与日军的控制84
二 澳门同胞的抗日救亡活动88
B The anti-Japanese national salvation movement of the compatriots in Macao88
三 澳门同胞在广东抗战前线96
C The compatriots in Macao on the anti-Japanese front in Guangdong96
ⅣThe campaign to regain Macao103
A The development of the campaign to regain Macao103
第四节 要求收回澳门运动103
一 要求收回澳门运动的展开103
二 澳督政府改善与中国及其澳门居民的关系105
B The Macao authorities improved relationship with China and Macao s residents105
CHAPTER 4 The opium smuggling in Macao111
第四章 澳门的鸦片走私贸易111
ⅠMacao was the base of opium smuggling112
A The Portuguese monopolized the opium smuggling112
第一节 澳门是鸦片走私贸易的基地112
一 葡萄牙人独操鸦片走私贸易112
二 葡英竞争澳门鸦片市场113
B A keen competition between Portugal and Britain for the opium market in Macao113
三 鸦片走私中心地位的暂时中落121
C Macao ceased to be the opium smuggling center for the time being121
四 重新成为国际鸦片走私的基地126
D Macao became again as the international base of opium sumggling126
Ⅱ The opium smuggling ahd the vessels used forthis purpose132
第二节 鸦片的走私销售和运往船双132
第三节 鸦片走私贸易的祸害135
一 毒害中国人民的身心健康135
Ⅲ The evils of opium smuggling135
A Opium damaged the physical and mental health of the Chinese people135
二 白银外流·民穷财竭137
B Silver bullion outflowed,and the masses lived in dire poverty137
第四节 清政府的禁烟政策138
Ⅳ The Qing Dynasty s ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade138
CHAPTER 5 Coolie Trade in Macao146
一 葡萄牙人贩卖人口146
ⅠWestern countries traffic in person in Macao during the Ming and Qing Dynasties146
A The Pourtugese traffic in person in Macao146
第一节 明清时期西方国家在澳门贩卖人口146
第五章 澳门的苦力贸易146
B The British traffic in person in Macao149
二 英国人贩卖人口149
ⅡThe Coolie trade ran rampant150
第二节 苦力贸易的猖獗150
A Important ports for Coolie trade151
一 苦力贸易的重要港口151
B The miserable condition of the Coolies152
二 苦力贸易的惨状152
C The Coolie trade in Macao was forced to stop in 1874168
A The reason why Coolie trade ran rampant176
Ⅲ The reason why the Coolie trade ran rampant and its impact on world economy176
一 猖獗原因176
第三节 苦力贸易的猖獗原因及其对世界经济的影响176
二 对世界经济发展的影响182
B The impact on the development of world economy183
第六章 澳门的社会经济189
一 赌博业189
第一节 特种事业的兴盛189
A Gabmling189
ⅠThe flourishing of the special business in Macao189
CHAPTER 6 The economy of Macao189
B Prostitution201
二 娼妓业201
C Opiumism208
三 鸦片烟业208
ⅡFishery in Macao211
一 渔业概况211
第二节 渔业生产211
A General introduction214
二 生产作业215
B Fishing operation215
A Ship-building industry220
Ⅲ Handicraft industry in Macao220
一 造船业220
第三节 手工业生产220
B The fireworks manufacture and the incence stick manufacture221
C The match manufacture and other handicrafts224
三 火柴和其它工业224
A Wholesale business and retail business226
第四节 市内商业畸形发展226
一 批发商业和零售商业226
Ⅳ The lopsided development of the downtown in macao226
B Common commerce and peculiar commerce230
二 普通商业和特色商业230
一 概述231
A General introduction231
二 炮竹和神香业231
第五节 货币金融业231
Ⅴ Finance in Macao231
Ⅲ The development of external transportation232
B Financial organizations and money circulation233
二 金融组织及货币流通233
C Financial market240
三 金融市场240
Ⅵ The decline in foreign trade243
第六节 对外贸易的衰退243
A The declining situation244
一 衰退的状况244
二 衰退的原因253
B The reason for the decline253
第七章 澳门都市化历程259
CHAPTER 7 The urbanization of Macao259
第一节 从渔村到近代都市260
一 渔村时期260
二 澳门城的建成与发展260
ⅠFrom a fishing village to a modern metropolis260
A In times as a fishing village260
B The construction and development of the Maco city260
三 向近代都市演进261
C The evolution towards a modern metropolis261
D the preliminary setup for a metropolis267
四 都市格局的初步形成267
E The architectural features of the city of Macao268
五 别具特色的城市建筑268
一 生活设施272
第二节 城市公共设施的建设272
ⅡThe construction of public facilities in the city of Macao272
A Institutions for daily use272
B Post and telecommunications273
二 邮电通讯273
三 市内交通工具278
C Intra-city mass transit278
A Navigation282
一 水上交通282
第三节 对外交通的发展282
B Qi Guan Road(from Shiqi to Gongbei Customs)287
二 岐关车路287
三 短暂的航空业290
D Port construction292
四 港口建设292
A The changes in quantity296
ⅣChanges Population on the way to urbanization296
第四节 都市化进程中的人口变化296
B The changes in distribution and composition299
一 数量的变化299
C A short-lived aviation service300
二 分布与结构的变化305
C The Macaneses305
三 土生葡人307
第一节 郑观应与澳门308
ⅠZheng Guanying and Macao308
CHAPTER 8 Chinese bourgeois representatives in Macao308
第八章 中国资产阶级代表人物在澳门308
第二节 康有为、梁启超与澳门312
一 《知新报》在澳门创刊312
A Zhi Xin Gazette appeared in Macao312
ⅡKang Youwei,Liang Qichao and Macao312
二 澳门保皇会的活动316
B The activity of the Macao Branch of the Protect-the-Emeror Society (Bao Huang Hui)316
一 孙中山在澳门活动和对澳门的关注319
第三节 孙中山与澳门319
Ⅲ Dr.Sun Yatsen and Macao319
A The activity of Sun Yetsen in Macao and his concern about it319
B The activity of the Macao Branch of the Unitea League(Tong Meng Hui)323
二 澳门同盟分会的活动328
C The activity of Chinese revolutionaries in Macao332
三 中华革命党人在澳门的活动332
D Sun Yetsen s family dependants in Macao335
四 孙中山眷属在澳门335
CHAPTER 9 The Macao government340
第九章 澳门政府340
一 澳门总督341
第一节 澳门总督和澳督府341
A Macao Governor341
ⅠMacao Governor and Governor s Palace341
C The Governor s Palace througn the passage of 100 years344
B Secretariate of Macao Governor344
三 澳督府百多年变迁344
二 澳督秘书处344
A The Consulative Council and Censor Commission348
ⅡCivil administration organs and their functions348
一 政务委员会和检查委员会348
第二节 各级民政组织和职能348
B The General Office of Civil Administration349
二 民政总局349
C The General Office of Technique and Public Works,the General Office of Finance and the General Office of Economy353
三 工务局、财政局和经济局353
D Public Health Bureau and the Post and Telecommunications Office356
四 卫生局和邮电局356
一 军政机构358
第三节 军政和司法机构358
A The military offices358
Ⅲ The military offices and the judicial departments358
B The judicial departments363
二 司法机关363
ⅣThe autonomous office and the church office365
A The autonomous office-the Municipality365
一 自治机关——市政厅365
第四节 自治机关和教会机关365
B The church office-the Dioces Macao371
二 教会机关——教会行政处371
V Diplomatic legations in macao372
第十章 澳门的宗教与文化372
CHAPTER 10 Religion and culture of Macao375
ⅠReligion ,customs and mass organizations375
A Religion in Macao and its activities375
一 宗教及其活动375
第一节 宗教 风俗和社团375
B Customs and rites of Macao residents385
二 居民的风俗礼仪385
C Mass organizations and charity institutions of Macao391
三 社团组织和慈善机构391
ⅡThe press and fine arts of Macao393
A The development of the Macao press393
一 新闻报业的发展393
第二节 报业和美术393
B The development of the Macao art and its influence399
二 美术的发展与影响399
C The Luís de Cam?es Museum and its artistic treasures406
三 贾梅士博物院的由来及其艺术珍品406
Ⅲ The education and the medical and health work of Macao408
一 学校教育的发展408
A The development of educaiton408
第三节 学校和医疗卫生408
B The medicial and health work415
二 医疗卫生415
APPENDIX: Chronology of Macao(1840—1949)419
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