

  • EEC 著
  • 出版社:
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:534页
  • 文件大小:36MB
  • 文件页数:574页
  • 主题词:


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1. Summary of Antitrust Laws11

1.1 Outline of the Substantive Provisions11

2. Sherman Act, Section 114

2.1 Concerted Action14

2.2 Intracorporate Conspiracies15

2.3 Conscious Parallelism17

2.4 Effect of Withdrawal from Concerted Action Conspiracies18

2.5 The Requirement for an Effect upon Trade or Commerce19

2.6 Per Se Unlawfulness and the Rule of Reason24

2.7 The Application of Section 1 to Particular Restraints27

2.7.1 Price-fixing Arrangements and Vertical Price Discrimination27

2.7.2 Division of Markets or Customers38

2.7.3 Boycotts and Refusals to Deal43

2.7.4 Reciprocal Practices45

2.7.5 Tie-ins and Exclusive Contracts46

2.7.6 Industrial Property Licensing58

2.7.7 Other Restraints63

2.8 Standing and Antitrust Injury63

3. Sherman Act, Section 265

4. The Clayton Act66

4.1 Clayton Act—Introduction66

4.2 Section 3—Exclusionary Arrangements67

4.2.1 Exclusive Dealing Contracts70

4.2.2 Requirements Contracts71

4.2.3 Tying Arrangements72

4.3 The Anti-Competitive Effect75

5. The Federal Trade Commission Act77

5.1 Introduction77

5.2 Jurisdictional Requirements78

5.3 Unfair Methods of Competition79

5.4 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices81

6. The Robinson-Patman Act83

6.1 Introduction83

6.2 Jurisdictional Requirements84

6.3 The Requirement of Competitive Injury92

6.4 Statutory Defences to a Robinson-Patman Act Violation95

7. Monopolisation and Attempts to Monopolise99

7.1 Introduction99

7.2 Actual Monopolisation101

7.3 Attempts to Monopolise122

7.3.1 Introduction122

7.3.2 The Dangerous Probability Requirement123

7.3.3 The Relevant Market127

7.3.4 Specific Intent to Monopolise129

7.4 Monopolies and Attempts by a Plurality of Firms and Conspiracies to Monopolise130

8. Mergers134

8.1 Introduction134

8.2 The Requirement for Pre-notification of Mergers140

8.3 Merger Evaluation142

8.3.1 The Relevant Market: The Product Market142

8.3.2 The Relevant Market: The Geographic Market150

8.3.3 The Substantive Criteria for Merger Evaluation152

9. Interlocking Directorates176

10. Joint ventures179

11. Jurisdictional Aspects188


1. Summary of Competition Laws195

1.1 Introduction to EEC Competition Laws195

1.1.1 Community Law and National Law195

1.1.2 Overview of the Treaties197

1.1.3 The Principal Competition Provisions198

1.1.4 Interaction between Competition Provisions202

2. Article 85—Introduction205

2.1 Agreements, Decisions and Concerted Practices207

2.2 Undertakings, Associations of Undertakings211

2.3 Effect on Trade between Member States212

2.4 The Anti-competitive Effect214

2.5 Effect on Foreign Trade217

2.6 Application of Article 85(1) to Particular Types of Agreement220

2.6.1 Horizontal Agreements221

2.6.2 Vertical Agreements236

2.6.3 Other permitted Forms of Co-operation265

3. Crisis Cartels296

4. Joint ventures302

4.1 General302

4.2 Treatment of Joint Ventures under Articles 85 and 86304

4.2.1 Commission Treatment of Joint Ventures, 1968-1980304

4.2.2 Recent Decisions on Manufacturing Joint Ventures309

4.2.3 Joint Venture for Component and Know-how Supply314

4.2.4 Distribution Joint Ventures315

4.2.5 Specialisation Joint Ventures316

4.3 Application of Block Exemption Regulations to Particular Joint Ventures317

4.4 The Irish Distillers Case317

4.5 Treatment of Joint Ventures under the 1989 Merger Control Regulation319

5. Article 86—Introduction321

5.1 The Dominant Position323

5.2 Abuse of a Dominant Position335

5.2.1 Refusal to Supply338

5.2.2 Applying Dissimilar Conditions to Equivalent Transactions342

5.2.3 Making the Conclusion of Contracts Subject to Acceptance by the other Parties of Supplementary Obligations344

5.2.4 Limiting Production, Markets or Technical Development to the Prejudice of Consumers346

5.2.5 Unfair Exploitation347

5.2.6 Residual Categories of Anti-competitive Conduct350

6. Mergers356

6.1 Article 86 and Mergers356

6.2 Merger Control Regulation360

6.3 Enforcement under Article 86 in Relation to Mergers366

7. Intellectual Property and Free Movement in the Common Market373


1. Outline of the Substantive Provisions382

1.1 Introduction382

1.2 The Substantive Provisions of the GWB in Summary383

1.2.1 Prohibition of Cartel Agreements and Cartel Resolutions383

1.2.2 Exceptions from the Prohibitions of Section 1386

1.2.3 Prohibition of Anti-competitive Provisions in Vertical Agreements391

1.2.4 Abusive Practice by Market dominating Enterprises,Discriminatory Conduct and Merger Control394

1.2.5 Joint ventures394

2. Control of Abusive Behaviour by Market dominating Enterprises396

2.1 Introduction396

2.2 The Definition of a Market dominating Enterprise397

2.3 Abuse Control under Section 22401

2.3.1 Abusive Conduct401

2.3.2 Remedies for Abusive Conduct under Section 22404

2.4 Specialised Categories of Abusive Conduct404

2.4.1 Section 25(1): Concerted Conduct to Achieve Unlawful Purpose404

2.4.2 Section 25(2): Threats, Promises to Induce Unlawful Conduct405

2.4.3 Section 25(3): Coercion of other Enterprises405

2.4.4 Section 26(1): Requests for Imposition of Restrictions in the Supply or Purchasing of Goods or Commercial Services406

2.4.5 Section 26(2): Hindrance and Discrimination by Market dominating and other Enterprises407

2.4.6 Section 26(3): Inducement of Preferential Terms by Market dominating Enterprises409

2.4.7 Section 26(4): Exploitation of Market Power that Causes Unfair Hindrance for Competitors409

2.4.8 Section 26(5): Burden on Firms Caught by Section 26(4)to Rebut the Presumption of Exploitation409

2.5 Relationship between Abuse Control under Section 22 and Control under Section 26(2), (3) and (4)410

3. Merger Control411

3.1 Introduction411

3.2 Definition of the Term 'Merger'411

3.3 Mergers Excepted from Control413

3.3.1 Section 24(8)413

3.3.2 ECSC Treaty414

3.4 Notification of Mergers to the Federal Cartel Office414

3.4.1 Pre-notification414

3.4.2 Reporting of Consummated Mergers414

3.4.3 Voluntary Notification of Mergers415

3.5 Substantive Law of Merger Control415

3.5.1 Introduction: Creation or Strengthening of a Dominant Market Position415

3.5.2 Market Definition415

3.5.3 Market Domination417

3.5.4 Creation or Strengthening of a Dominant Market Position419

3.5.5 Balancing of Pro-and Anti-competitive Consequences424

3.5.6 Powers of the Cartel Authorities under Section 24425

3.5.7 Powers of the Federal Minister for Economics426

3.6 The Application of the GWB to International Mergers427


1. Introduction431

1.1 Common Law Prior to 1948431

1.2 The Main Legislation 1948-1980434

2. An Outline of the Substantive Provisions438

2.1 Restrictive Trading Agreements and Arrangements438

2.1.1 Introduction438

2.1.2 Restrictive Agreements as to Goods438

2.1.3 Restrictive Agreements as to Services446

2.1.4 Information Agreements as to Services447

2.3.5 Excepted Agreements as to Services447

2.1.6 General Exceptions447

2.1.7 The Public Interest Criteria448

2.1.8 General451

2.2 Resale Price Maintenance453

2.2.1 Introduction453

2.2.2 Collective Resale Price Maintenance453

2.2.3 Individual Resale Price Maintenance454

2.2.4 Exemption by the Restrictive Practices Court456

2.2.5 Enforcement457

3. Monopolies458

3.1 General458

3.2 A Monopoly Situation Qualifying for Investigation459

3.3 The Monopoly Reference, Investigation and Report463

3.4 Powers of Minister Following a Report by the Commission465

3.5 The Public Interest467

3.5.1 Structural Monopoly and the Public Interest468

3.5.2 Conduct and Performance469

4. Merger Control487

4.1 Introduction487

4.2 Merger Situations Qualifying for Investigation488

4.2.1 Definition of the Term 'Merger'488

4.2.2 Mergers that Qualify for Investigation489

4.3 The Reference, the Report and Action Following the Report491

4.4 The Public Interest and Mergers493

4.4.1 Introduction493

4.4.2 Effects upon Competition494

4.4.3 Other Specific Aspects of the Public Interest in Relation to Mergers506

4.4.4 The Overall Impact of the Public Interest Test509

5. The Competition Act512

5.1 Introduction512

5.2 Procedure512

5.2.1 OFT Investigation512

5.2.2 The Competition Reference514

5.2.3 Orders Consequent on the Report516

5.3 The Anti-competitive Practice517

5.3.1 Selective Distribution Systems517

5.3.2 Foreclosure of the Market to Competitors518

5.3.3 Refusal to Supply519

5.3.4 Pricing Policies521

5.4 Efficiency Audits in the Public Sector523

