小布老虎译丛 伊索寓言【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 任溶溶译 著
- 出版社: 沈阳:春风文艺出版社
- ISBN:7531329131
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:196页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:208页
- 主题词:寓言-作品集-古希腊
小布老虎译丛 伊索寓言PDF格式电子书版下载
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上编 飞鸟1
乌鸦和水罐 The Crow and the Pitcher1
燕子和乌鸦 The Swallow and the Crow2
乌鸦和渡鸦 The Crow and the Raven3
乌鸦和墨丘利 The Crow and Mercury4
乌鸦和毒蛇 The Crow and the Serpent5
白费力气的穴乌 The Vain Jackdaw6
乌鸦和绵羊 The Crow and the Sheep7
穴乌和鸽子 The Jackdaw and the Doves8
鹰和穴乌 The Eagle and the Jackdaw9
穴乌和狐狸 The Jackdaw and the Fox10
渡鸦和天鹅 The Raven and the Swan11
狼和鹤 The Wolf and the Crane12
农夫和鹳 The Farmer and the Stork13
孔雀和鹤 The Peacock and the Crane14
野鹅和鹤 The Geese and the Cranes16
鹰和箭 The Eagle and the Arrow17
鹰和捕鹰者 The Eagle and His Captor18
鹰和夜莺 The Hawk and the Nightingale19
鹰和鹞子 The Eagle and the Kite20
生病的鹞子 The Sick Kite22
口渴的鸽子 The Thirsty Pigeon23
老鹰,鹞子和鸽子 The Hawk,the Kite,and the Pigeons24
鸽子和乌鸦 The Dove and the Crow25
(4 )其他鸟类的寓言26
猫头鹰和百鸟 The Owl and the Birds26
蚂蚱和猫头鹰 The Grasshopper and the Owl28
燕子,毒蛇和法院 The Swallow,the Serpent,and the Court of Justice30
鹞子和天鹅 The Kites and the Swans31
天鹅和家鹅 The Swan and the Goose32
鹧鸪和捕鸟人 The Partridge and the Fowler33
捕鸟人,鹧鸪和公鸡 The Birdcatcher,the Partridge,and the Cock34
百灵鸟和她的孩子们 The Lark and Her Young Ones36
画眉鸟和捕鸟人 The Thrush and the Fowler38
百灵葬父 The Lark Burying Her Father39
小蚊子和狮子 The Gnat and the Lion40
下编 虫物40
蜜蜂和朱庇特 The Bee and Jupiter42
小蚊子和公牛 The Gnat and the Bull44
苍蝇和糖罐 The Flies and the Honey-Pot45
苍蝇和赶车的骡子 The Fly and the Draught-Mule46
秃头和苍蝇 The Bald Man and the Fly47
蚂蚁和鸽子 The Ant and the Dove48
蚂蚁和蚂蚱 The Ants and the Grasshopper49
橄榄树和无花果 The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree50
狐狸和荆棘 The Fox and the Bramble51
石榴树,苹果树和荆棘 The Pomegranate,Apple-Tree,and Bramble52
杉树和荆棘 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble53
橡树和芦苇 The Oak and the Reeds54
橡树和朱庇特 The Oaks and Jupiter56
橡树和樵夫 The Oak and the Woodcutters57
树和斧头 The Trees and the Axe58
胡桃树 The Walnut-Tree59
玫瑰和长生草 The Rose and the Amaranth60
河和海 The Rivers and the Sea61
大山临产 The Mountain in Labor62
两个罐子 The Two Pots63
北风和太阳 The North Wind and the Sun64
油灯 The Lamp65
上编 劳动66
农夫和蛇 The Farmer and the Snake66
农工和蛇 The Laborer and the Snake67
农夫和鹤 The Farmer and the Cranes68
农夫和他的儿子们 The Farmer and His Sons69
农场里的狮子 The Lion in a Farmyard70
黄蜂,鹧鸪和农夫 The Wasps,the Partridges,and the Farmer71
农夫和苹果树 The Peasant and the Apple-Tree72
马和马夫 The Horse and Groom73
牧人和丢失的公牛 The Herdsman and the Lost Bull74
山羊和牧羊人 The Goat and the Goatherd75
牧羊人和野山羊 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats76
牧羊人和海 The Shepherd and the Sea78
牧羊人和狼 The Shepherd and the Wolf80
牧羊人和狗 The Shepherd and the Dog81
牧羊人和羊 The Shepherd and the Sheep82
猎人和渔夫 The Huntsman and the Fisherman83
猎人和樵夫 The Hunter and the Woodman84
猎人和骑手 The Hunter and the Horseman85
捕鸟者和蝰蛇 The Fowler and the Viper86
渔夫和小鱼 The Fisherman and the Little Fish87
吹笛子的渔夫 The Fisherman Piping88
渔夫和他的网 The Fisherman and His Nets89
渔夫们 The Fishermen90
三个工匠 The Three Tradesmen91
臭皮匠变医生 The Cobbler Turned Doctor92
富人和皮匠 The Rich Man and the Tanner94
卖神像的人 The Seller of Images95
烧炭人和漂洗工 The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller96
旅人和他的狗 The Traveler and His Dog97
两个旅人和斧头 The Two Travelers and the Axe98
熊和两个旅人 The Bear and the Two Travelers99
海边的旅人 The Seaside Travelers100
驴子和他的影子 The Ass and His Shadow101
旅人和阔叶树 The Travelers and the Plane-Tree102
真理和旅人 Truth and the Traveler103
下编 生活104
父亲和儿子们 The Father and His Sons104
父亲和他的两个女儿 The Father and His Two Daughters105
兄和妹 The Brother and the Sister106
母亲和狼 The Mother and the Wolf108
丈夫和妻子 The Man and His Wife110
男孩和青蛙 The Boys and the Frogs111
牧童和狼 The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf112
逮蚂蚱的男孩 The Boy Hunting Locusts113
小偷和他的妈妈 The Thief and His Mother114
王子和画上的狮子 The King's Son and the Painted Lion116
男孩和榛子 The Boy and the Filberts118
男孩和荨麻 The Boy and the Nettles119
洗澡的男孩 The Boy Bathing120
母鸡和金蛋 The Hen and the Golden Eggs121
吝啬鬼 The Miser122
老太太和医生 The Old Woman and the Physician124
女人和母鸡 The Woman and Her Hen126
先知 The Prophet127
两个士兵和强盗 The Two Soldiers and the Robber128
滑稽演员和乡下人 The Buffoon and the Countryman130
吹牛的游客 The Boasting Traveler133
磨坊主,儿子和驴子 The Miller,His Son,and Their Ass134
男人和他的两个情人 The Man and His Two Sweethearts138
天文学家 The Astronomer139
老人和死神 The Old Man and Death140
被狗咬的人 The Man Bitten by a Dog141
黑人 The Aithiops142
寡妇和她的下女 The Widow and Her Little Maidens143
寡妇和羊 The Widow and the Sheep144
老太太和酒瓶 The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar145
挤奶女工和她的桶 The Milk-Woman and Her Pail146
主人和狗 The Master and His Dogs147
光头骑士 The Bald Knight148
小偷和公鸡 The Thieves and the Cock149
小偷和店主 The Thief and the Innkeeper150
盲人和小兽 The Blind Man and the Whelp152
两个仇敌 The Two Men Who Were Enemies153
败家子和燕子 The Spendthrift and the Swallow154
被俘的号兵 The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner155
杀人犯 The Manslayer156
遇难者和大海 The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea157
肚子和身体 The Belly and the Members158
人,马,牛,狗 The Man,the Horse,the Ox,and the Dog159
两只口袋 The Two Bags161
善与恶 The Goods and the Ills162
朱庇特,尼普顿,密涅瓦和莫摩斯 Jupiter,Neptune,Minerva,and Momus164
大力神和车夫 Hercules and the Wagoner166
墨丘利和雕刻家 Mercury and the Sculptor167
哲人,蚂蚁和墨丘利 The Philosopher,the Ants,and Mercury168
墨丘利像和木匠 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter169
墨丘利和工人 Mercury and the Workmen170
旅人和萨堤罗斯 The Man and the Satyr172
旅人和命运女神 The Traveler and Fortune173
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