
- 刘瓷辉著 著
- 出版社: 郑州:河南美术出版社
- ISBN:7540113944
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:207页
- 文件大小:193MB
- 文件页数:241页
- 主题词:陶瓷-工艺美术-作品集-中国-现代
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飞流直下三千尺 疑是银河落九天(艺术大盘) 305×40 mm A wall plate1
达摩渡江(海碗) 313×130 mm A big bowl2
黄山七十二峰(凤耳观音瓶) 375×1070 mm A bodhisattva vase3
迁栖的鸟(双龙尊) 400×170 mm A big vase with two dragons4
太行深秋(胆瓶) 175×365 mm A thin-wall vase with the scenery of Tai Hang Mountain's autumn5
高峡连云(观音瓶) 165×325 mm Dizzy cliffs touching the high flowing clouds6
云长温酒斩华雄(玉净瓶) 260×490 mm A yujing vase with the picture of Guanyu beheading Huaxiong7
云蒸霞蔚(胆瓶) 215×405 mm A thin-wall vase with rosy clouds8
水帘洞府称齐天 难忘西天取经人 188×335 mm A curtain of waterfall upper high in the sky,A design taken from the story of shun wukong8
海市蜃楼(艺术盘) 24×242 mm An art plate with mirage9
月光夜吟(艺术盘) 24×240 mm Reciting in a moonlit night9
苍颉造字(艺术盘) 25×265 mm Cangji creats words10
长风万里送秋雁(艺术盘) 25×410 mm Farewell to the wild goodses for a long distance with the blowing in the autumn11
三峡星河影动摇(艺术盘) 24×250 mm The shade is rocking the Changjiang Gorges river in the star light11
苍山夹乱流(艺术盘) 24×255 mm The stream is running among the dark green mountains11
山形依旧枕寒流(艺术盘) 25×260 mm The mountain is still,avoding the invasion of cold snap12
彩虹(艺术盘) 25×260 mm Rainbow12
秋山烂漫(艺术盘) 25×270 mm Mountain in autumn is magnificent l3
日落满秋山(艺术盘) 24×255 mm The sun is falling down,leaving the whole mountain shining13
春潮带雨晚来急(艺术盘) 20×200 mm The spring tide rain has arisen suddenly at dusk14
武夷山峦(艺术盘) 25×490 mm Chains of Wuyi Mountain14
天渺河汉 灿若系星(艺术盘) 25×270 mm Avase in the shape like a stone roller15
池月渐东上(艺术盘) 23×250 mm The bright moon is arising in the east15
大荒飞雪白(艺术盘) 25×475 mm The heavy snow has arisen from head to foot in the wide16
沧海月明珠有泪(艺术盘) 20×195 mm The bright moon in the blue sea is the tears of the pear16
半竿落日 满江云霓 一天红霞(观音瓶) 220×485 mm A bodhisattva vase17
夜阑月落星疏 葫芦买酒春醉(三节葫芦瓶) 380×180 mm A three-joint gourd vase18
竹林观瀑(象鼻尊) 270×375 mm A wine vessel either side with an elephant trunk18
洛神(凤耳大花瓶) 375×1070 mm A big vase with phocenix ears neck19
混沌初开(海碗) 330×140 mm A bowl20
雄鸡 330×470 mm Cock21
一江秋水流霞光(益寿瓶) 497×250 mm A vase with a design of longevith22
轻舟已过万重山(观音瓶) 225×500 mm A bodhisattva vase23
天风徐徐 紫云欲蔽日(三节葫芦瓶) 200×395 mm A three-joint gourd vase24
风过也 万丛竹叶鸣秋声(天球瓶) 235×320 mm A round vase24
长天落霞(胆瓶) 175×360 mm A thin-wall vase,evening clouds in the sky25
云间玉兔 水面苍龙(虎头瓶) 248×340 mm A vase in the shape like a tiger head25
太公封神 各归其位(观音瓶) 320×180 mm The god of wind in the sun-palace26
远帆碧空尽(观音瓶) 210×550 mm A bodhisattva vase27
霞飞扬 堪画玉屏上(胆瓶) 170×370 mm Flying rosy clouse(A thin-wall vase)28
两叶舟 五湖游 正值明月洞庭秋(天球瓶) 280×330 mm A round vase28
黄河壶口瀑布(艺术盘) 35×290 mm The waterfall of the Yellow River's Kettle Mouth29
大山深处有人家(艺术盘) 18×290 mm A fammily far into a big mountain29
重溪烟霭(双龙荷口瓶) 380×180 mm The winding streams being surrounded in the heavy smog30
满目青天妍(盘口竹节瓶) 275×545 mm A vase shaped in plate mouth with bamboo neck31
雨过天晴(胆瓶) 145×324 mm A thin-wall vase32
群山如黛立 寂寞秋江冷(凤尾尊) 280×400 mm A wine vessel with the phoenix tail32
A.无数青峰上画屏(观音瓶) 105×220 mm Numerous mountains(a bodhisaftva vase)33
水天一色 仙岛浮槎(罐) 200×150 mm Fairy Is land in the sea(a pot)33
身披七彩五霞衣 保得盛世太平日(对狮) 895×550 mm The colorful cloud-clothes brings the world peace,tranquility and flourish34
身披七彩五霞衣 保得盛世太平日(对狮) 895×550 mm The colorful cloud-clothes brings the world peace,tyanquility and flourish35
蓬莱仙岛(艺术盘) 24×255 mm immortal island of penglai36
恰仙阁霞封云霓(石榴瓶) 200×185 mm A pomegranate vase36
斜阳晚 水色山光(胆瓶) 145×325 mm A thin-wall vase37
祥云朵朵拥三藏 西天路上取真经(荷口玉壶春) 155×280 mm A big pot with the opening like a lotus leaf37
武夷云海伴群仙(虎头尊) 250×345 mm A vase in the shape of a tiger head38
苍苍竹林寺 杳杳钟声晚(观音瓶) 212×502 mm A bodhisattva vase39
云岚烟翠(艺术盘) 20×245 mm The brightness goes beyond the mist is hazy40
江山不夜月千里(葫芦瓶)440×250 mm The brightness goes beyond the world40
潮起潮落戏鸥鸟 天涯霜雪霁寒宵(三节葫芦瓶) 85×165 mm A vase in the shape of a three-joint-gound41
黄山云海(地球瓶) 270×280 mm A vase of the earth41
秋山飞瀑红无数 细雨清明雨如酥(荷口五龙连座瓶) 175×470 mm A vase with five dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf42
孙悟空1 1220×540 mm Sun Wu Kong 143
A.巫峡秋色(双龙活环橄榄瓶) 260×430 mm A. An olive vase with the rings in the shape with two dragons44
B.南山积翠(双龙活环橄榄瓶) 260×430 mm B. An olive rase with the rings in the shape with two dragons45
香山醉红(观音瓶) 180×330 mm Charming redness in Xiangshan mountain46
停车坐爱枫林晚 霜叶红于二月花(石榴瓶) 200×185 mm Two vases in the shape with pomegranate46
横江春水绿 叠嶂山岚青(鹅颈瓶) 125×265 mm A vase in the shape with a long goose neck47
山色空濛凝紫雾(葫芦瓶) 185×350 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd47
青山隐去水茫茫(孔雀瓶) 180×440 mm A vase with two peacocks48
沁园春 咏雪(艺术盘) 45×201 mm Mao Ze dong's poem on snow(an art plate)49
风软荷塘绿 雨细鱼儿出(荷口碗) 260×110 mm A bowl with the opening like a lotus leaf50
舞(艺术盘) 36×280 mm Dancing51
云台山飞瀑(艺术盘) 18×173 mm Mountain Yun Tai Flying Fall51
江山秋色(双龙荷口瓶) 380×180 mm Autumn landscape of the national territory52
一江秋苇醉东风(观音瓶) 230×500 mm A bodhisattva vase53
胭脂林障 翡翠山屏(观音瓶) 165×325 mm A bodhisattva vase54
三山半落青天外(三羊开泰瓶) 225×330 mm A vase with a design of the Srn in March bringing peace54
云山幽趣(鹅颈瓶) 120×260 mm A vase like a goose neck55
夜与昼(虎头瓶) 253×350 mm A big vase with a tiger head55
夕阳紫翠忽成岚(玉壶春) 190×325 mm A big pot56
夕阳山外云屏里 烟笼寒水月笼沙(荷口双龙瓶) 190×410 mm A big vase with two dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf57
雁啼红叶天 人醉秋光里(荷口玉壶春) 140×260 mm A big pot with the opening like a lotus leaf58
晚霭微茫桂林山(三羊开泰瓶) 225×325 mm A vase with the evening scenery of GuiLin58
峡谷飞瀑兔丝缕(象鼻尊) 270×370 mm A wine vessel in the shape of an elephant trunk59
绿水荡漾清猿啼(虎头瓶) 255×350 mm A vase with a tiger heads59
紫陌曙光(益寿瓶) 235×390 mm A vase with a design If longevity60
三叠泉(三节葫芦瓶) 200×395 mm A three-joint gourd vase61
一湖烟雨万顷秋(碾子瓶) 190×290 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller62
万紫千红总是春(鸡心罐) 190×205 mm A pot in the shape with a cock heart62
一峰残照里 通体红玛瑙(胆瓶) 250×505 mm A thin-wall vase63
霜染蓼花洲(葫芦瓶) 175×300 mm A gourd pot63
A.太湖水光(孔雀瓶) 215×443 mm A. A vase in the shape of a peacock64
B.洞庭山影(孔雀瓶) 215×443 mm B. The reflective shadow of mountain in the water of Dongting lake65
独钓寒江雪(胆瓶) 210×400 mm A thin-wall vase66
雨洒春风(观音瓶) 183×330 mm A bodhisattva vase66
披五色霞光 击万里长空(雄鹰) 390×520 mm A powerful hawk67
水流天地外 山色有无中(胆瓶) 214×390 mm A vase in the shape of thin-wall67
牛 545×320 mm A cow68
孙悟空2 930×410 mm Sun Wu Kong 269
一夜春雨听溪声(观音瓶) 105×200 mm A night spring drizzle acoustieal arroyo acorstic70
大漠孤烟(石榴瓶) 205×210 mm Big desert lone reek70
银河飘飘下瑶天(荷口玉壶春) 140×285 mm A big pot with the opening like a lolus leaf71
春风带雨露华浓(三羊开泰瓶) 225×320 mm A vase with a design of the sun in March bringing peace71
惊翠嶂 分开玉田(广口大腹瓶) 275×490 mm Surprisingly vast green mountain dividing the fields of jade72
耸颠崖 万仞秋容(荷口双龙瓶) 190×410 mm A big vase with two dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf73
寒林无月夜深沉(观音瓶) 185×333 mm A bodhisattva vase74
碧天如水红云飞(加板香炉) 160×160 mm Red cloud flying in the blue sky74
紫气高升雾化雨(碾子瓶) 194×302 mm A vase in the shape of a stone roller75
空山雪月苍凉(三节葫芦瓶) 190×375 mm A vase in the shape of a three-joint gourd75
苍翠染密林(梅瓶) 235×500 mm A plum vase76
月落星稀 山野天低(狮头尊) 247×340 mm A wine vessel with the Lion head77
紫岚仙都锁红霞(梅瓶) 150×290 mm A plum vase78
山溪春晓雾成岚(虎头瓶) 360×255 mm The streams in the valley are reporting the coming spring with the dizzy fog78
雄鸡 330×470 mm cock79
暮鸦归寒林 烟水画残阳(胆瓶) 170×360 mm A thin-wall vase79
群仙赴瑶台(观音瓶) 180×330 mm A bodhisattva vase80
踏遍青山人未老 风景这边独好(益寿瓶) 245×395 mm A vase with a design of longevity81
高山云雾霞万朵(梅瓶) 150×290 mm High morntain, cloudy frost and flowers of rosy cloud82
五子登科 福地洞天(葫芦瓶) 332×343 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd82
水落江空 一天如洗(胆瓶) 175×370 mm The sky chear like washed after rain83
晴天落明霞(三羊开泰瓶) 225×316 mm A vase with a design of the sun in March bringing peace83
一片水面上天竺(荷口双龙瓶) 180×395 mm Water surface shining like mirror84
敦煌飞天(艺术盘) 55×582 mm Dun hang's Flying to the Heaven85
太湖水光(双鱼瓶) 365×215 mm A vase shape in double fishes with the glowing of Tai-Lake86
玉龙飞瀑 云间霞霓(双龙活环橄榄瓶) 255×435 mm Waterfall-jade dragon and Cloud-rosy clothes87
旭日东升 彩霞满天(葫芦瓶) 185×350 mm The east-rising sun and full-of-sky rosy clouds88
周身红霓 岁岁冲天(兽足夹板炉) 345×355 mm Redness shows an atmosphere of splendid and prosperous life year by year88
雄狮怒吼(艺术盘) 24×250 mm Roaring of the male king of beasts89
黄山迎客松(艺术盘) 24×245 mm Greeting pine of Huang Mountain89
风过也 万丛竹叶鸣秋声(凤头瓶) 428×150 mm Thousands of clusters of bamboo leaves are singing the song of autumn in the wind90
千山鸟飞尽 落红盈秋岚(三节葫芦瓶) 190×380 mm Birds flying away mountains and rich autumn-fog against sunset glow91
岩壑流韵(胆瓶) 360×165 mm Compact and flowing harmony of rock and cliffs92
彤云深处藏玉山(天球瓶) 270×400 mm The jade mountain hiding in the deep rosy clouds92
万顷波光天图画(胆瓶) 170×355 mm A thin-wall vase93
羊 385×280 mm A sheep93
A.中岳霞光(梅瓶) 240×500 mm The shining rosy clouds hanging over the song mountain94
B.太华彩云(梅瓶) 240×500 mm Colorful clouds in Taihua95
日落山光(艺术盘) 24×250 mm Seenery of mountains in sunset96
羊(对) 375×290 mm A couple of sheep96
群玉山头见 会向瑶台月下逢(碾子瓶) 188×290 mm The luxurious green-peaks which are like jade form the beautiful scenery onlY being seen in the Paradise97
江东暮云轻(将军瓶) 175×380 mm A vase like a general97
云去山如画(益寿瓶) 230×390 mm A vase with a design of longevily98
天风徐徐 紫云欲蔽日(双龙瓶) 665×338 mm Breeze-blown clouds seemingly to shield the sun99
花果山水帘洞(艺术盘) 28×242 mm The cave whth a tall of Mountain Hua Guo100
夕阳紫翠忽成岚(艺术盘) 18×386 mm Violet jadeite against setting sun like haze100
一半儿云遮 一半儿烟霞(唇口葫芦瓶) 155×320 mm Half coud-blocked, half in mists101
巴蜀细雨(艺术盘) 24×250 mm Mizzle in Ba Shu101
碧海流云 玉树临风(观音瓶) 180×325 mm Flowing clouds over the blue sea and Jade-tree facing the wind102
水晶宫 冷浸红霞(观音瓶) 260×505 mm A bodhisattva vase103
冰融(三节葫芦瓶) 190×380 mm Melting ice104
暮色苍茫湖影静(象鼻尊) 270×370 mm Calm reflections in the lake at dusk104
江上月明胡雁过(艺术盘) 24×240 mm The wild gooses fly over the river, under the bright moon105
红霓周身 岁岁霞烟绕(兽足夹板炉) 345×355 mm Surrounded by whole-bodily red clothes and the smog-a picture of imaginary world105
泰山晚霞红似火(双龙活环橄榄瓶) 260×430 mm Evening glow over Mt. Tai like fire106
一夜霜花落(三节葫芦瓶) 195×390 mm The blossom of frost appears overnight107
千红万紫都争放(胆瓶) 200×490 mm A thin-wall vase108
影落明湖青黛光(天球瓶) 280×310 mm A round vase108
银角大王斗悟空(艺术盘) 32×240 mm King Silver Angle fighting with Sun Wukong109
一江秋水流霞光(碾子瓶) 188×290 mm A vase whth a design of a stone roller109
山隐隐 水茫茫 小舟如画 唱入芦花(胆瓶) 360×160 mm A thin-wall vase110
紫气东来(益寿瓶) 260×500 mm A vase with a design of longevity111
言师采药去 只在此山中(碾子瓶) 235×355 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller112
玉嵯高耸神女峰(将军瓶) 185×390 mm A vase like a general112
残阳一抹淡流霞(双龙尊) 170×280 mm A wine vessel with two dragons113
雨过天晴云破处 姹紫嫣红捉将来(象鼻尊) 280×400 mm A vase with a broader opening and a couple of elephant's noses113
金兽衔环冷 五湖烟水长(狮头尊) 230×385 mm A wine vessel with a lion head114
溪山春晓(孔雀瓶) 180×440 mm A vase with a peacock115
鸭知水暖(艺术盘) 20×243 mm Only ducks know water's warmness first116
私语(艺术盘) 26×234 mm Mumurous116
云来山更佳(鹅颈瓶) 124×264 mm A vase with a long goose neck117
春山酿绿意(葫芦瓶) 155×315 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd117
A.寒山秋晚(盘口竹节瓶) 280×535 mm A.A vase in the shape of bamboo with a plate mouth118
B.重岩暮霭(盘口竹节瓶) 280×535 mm B.A vase in the shape of bamboo with a plate month119
日落渐黄昏(艺术盘) 24×240 mm The sun is falling down, and the day is dusk120
羊(对) 375×290 mm A couple of sheep120
苍峰凌天(鹅颈瓶) 120×260 mm The blue peak and the high-up sky121
山外晴霞随风舞(地球瓶) 270×275 mm A vase of the earth121
绿水青山白 草红叶黄花(双耳连座瓶) 175×470 mm A vase with two handles and a seat122
暮色苍茫(玉壶春) 260×490 mm A big pot with a wide mouth123
野渡无人舟自横(碾子瓶) 210×400 mm A vase in the shape of a stone roller124
阴与阳(艺术盘) 35×315 mm Yin and Yang124
雾里看花(虎头瓶) 240×320 mm A vase with a tiger head125
江水澄澄江月明(天球瓶) 233×325 mm A round vase125
明湖溪山秀(益寿瓶) 250×400 mm The elegant picture of a clear lake, clean stream and green mountain126
远山近山 一片青无间(玉壶春) 260×495 mm A big pot with a wide mouth127
落叶寒林返暮鸦(胆瓶) 170×365 mm A thin-wall vase128
雨过秋山红万岚(葫芦瓶) 182×310 mm The autumn rain moisten the whole mountain which is surrounded by rosy haze128
赤狐(艺术盘) 30×232 mm Red Fox129
神鼠(艺术盘) 21×250 mm Magic Mice129
春山晨霁(葫芦瓶) 390×190 mm The bright morning after rain in spring mountains(a vase with the shape of a gourd)130
残阳如血(狮头瓶) 235×390 mm A vase with a lion head131
淡烟疏雨秋山(碾子瓶) 190×295 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller132
江山晚来堪画处(将军瓶) 180×385 mm A vase with a general132
晚霞明雨收天霁 太行一泓残照里(鹅颈瓶) 205×445 mm A big vase in the shape with a long goose neck133
一天霞霓 回首月明中(虎头瓶) 250×355 mm A vase in the shape like a tiger head133
山峦层层碧(狮头尊) 250×390 mm A wine vessel with a lion head134
潮落湘江斜月里(玉壶春) 260×485 mm A big pot135
日落寒山瘦(胆瓶) 210×395 mm A thin-wall vase136
天生一个仙人洞(观音瓶) 182×330 mm The innate supemature hole136
盛世华夏 神龙再现 钧瓷生辉 188×295 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd137
雄狮 460×360 mm A lion137
春水船如天上坐(荷口双龙瓶对) 250×620 mm A big vase with two dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf138
春水船如天上坐(荷口双龙瓶对) 250×620 mm A big vase with two dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf139
二水中分白鹭洲(艺术盘) 25×260 mm Between the two rives is the Egret Continent140
马 400×490 mm Horse140
空山新雨后 天气晚来秋(观音瓶) 165×320 mm A bodhisattva vase141
泉声秋色(天球瓶) 280×330 mm Spring water and autumn rhythm141
竹怜新雨后 山爱夕阳时(狮头瓶) 235×390 mm A vase with a lion head142
寒塘紫日 软风吹得玻璃皱(葫芦连座瓶) 280×330 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd with a seat143
碧天如水夜云轻(三节葫芦瓶) 85×165 mm The blue sky is just like the smooth water surface and the night wind is blowing genfly144
风云乍起(天球瓶) 282×318 mm A round vase144
暮沉霞飞雁归去(胆瓶) 150×330 mm A thin-wall vase145
祥云飞三界 炉香满嵩山(鼎式炉) 335×256 mm A tripod incense bumer145
明月双龙 秋山如画(荷口双龙瓶) 185×395 mm A big vase with two dragorns with the opening like a lotus leaf146
得天雨如丝 洗净尘埃(天球瓶) 540×670 mm A round vase147
春水绿如兰(如意瓶) 420×860 mm A vase just as one wishes148
一江秋水流霞光(双龙瓶) 668×370 mm A vase with a design of double dragons149
青山残照 小雨淋湿谷纹平(大海碗) 40×335 mm Evening fog full of green hills and valley edges invisible in mizlle150
春风又绿江南岸(观音瓶) 170×320 mm The spring wind regreen the vast southeast part of the country151
八仙漫说蟠桃会(寿桃) 250×235 mm A vase like a peach offered as a birthday present151
蛟龙飞升待雷吼(双龙长颈瓶) 245×505 mm A vase with a long neck and two dragons152
秋山飞瀑红无数 细雨清明雨如酥(荷口五龙连座瓶) 175×470 mm A vase with five dragons with the opening like a lotus153
太行山水(艺术盘) 20×240 mm Mountain Taihang154
老子论道(地球瓶) 270×270 mm A vase of the earth154
秋水共长天一色 落霞与群鹜齐飞(胆瓶) 205×145 mm A thin-wall vase155
绿如春水初生日 红似朝霞欲上时(天球瓶) 290×325 mm A round vase155
云也空 水也空 巫山十二峰(荷口双龙瓶) 190×400 mm A vase in the shape with two dragons and the opening like a lotus leaf156
天地回生意 风云起壮图(梅瓶) 235×495 mm A plum vase157
斜阳一地 紫霞满天(葫芦瓶) 170×295 mm A vase in the shape of a grourd158
漓江月影(虎头瓶) 255×350 mm A vase with a tiger head158
B.秋林远岫(鹅颈瓶) 120×260 mm A vase in the shape with a long goose neck159
天马行空(虎头尊) 215×295 mm A vase with a tiger head159
夕阳西下 山外晴霞(玉壶春) 190×325 mm A big pot vase160
淡烟疏雨修竹 霞染潇湘秋(狮头瓶) 235×400 mm A vase with the lion head161
沧波俪孤岑(碾子瓶) 192×300 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller162
凤城寒尽怕春宵 为有云屏无限娇(将军瓶) 185×395 mm A vase like a genera162
白云回望合 青霭入太行(竹节碾子瓶) 200×325 mm A vase in the sharp of bamboo and a stone roller163
霜满沙汀(观音瓶 对) 183×330 mm A Two bodhisattva vase with the design of white frosts covering the sand beach163
万里云霞一雁飞(孔雀瓶) 220×435 mm A vase with two peacocks164
霞染黄河月(梅瓶) 280×500 mm A plum vase165
白云红树(荷口玉壶春) 140×260 mm A big pot with the opening like a lotus166
残阳如血(狮头尊) 235×390 mm A vase with a lion head166
峰峦如聚(鹅颈瓶) 125×265 mm A vase with a goose neck167
长天落紫霞 远水涵秋镜(玉壶春) 365×515 mm A patch of purple cloud in the sky and autumn water like mirror in dle distance167
青山相守 彤云相拥(梅瓶) 235×495 mm A plum vase168
桃花尽日随流水(胆瓶) 195×480 mm The withered peach blossom flowing with the running waler169
雨后清明 虞山林壑(天球瓶) 282×337 mm A vase in the shape of a stone roller like a globe169
星斗栏杆夜夜心(荷口双龙瓶) 180×400 mm A big vase with two dragons with the opening like a lotus leaf170
霞霓满神州 祥瑞祈和平(大挂盘) 405×50 mm A big wall plate171
碧塘酿酒千般绿 荷叶擎雨万颗珠(荷口碗) 260×110 mm A vase with the opening like a lotus leaf172
重林复嶂 秋夕照明(胆瓶) 210×500 mm A thin-wall vase173
寿比南山 福如东海(寿桃) 255×255 mm A vase like a peach offered as a birthday present173
烟远瑶池(广口双龙瓶) 240×490 mm A vase with two dragons and a broader opening174
醉卧东山一片云(孔雀瓶) 220×440 mm A vase with two peacocks175
霞落秋江胭脂色(碾子瓶) 215×405 mm A big vase in the shape like a stone roller176
待到重阳日 喜观醉流霞(葫芦瓶) 175×300 mm A vase in the shape like a gourd176
霁月印江(海碗) 320×170 mm A big bowl177
天网(大挂盘) 580×55 mm A big wall plate178
朝霞晚霞 妆点江山如画(益寿瓶) 255×500 mm A vase with a design of longevity179
烟江万顷孤鹭去(碾子瓶) 185×295 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller180
云山有幽趣(将军瓶) 180×390 mm A vase like a general180
明月松间照 清泉石上流(玉壶春) 190×325 mm A moony night in the woods(a big pot)181
远树残霞(象鼻尊) 265×375 mm A wine vessel with two elephant trunks181
洞庭山影落渔舟(观音瓶) 225×485 mm A bodhisattva vase182
岷江倒影(盘口竹节瓶) 280×535 mm A vase in the shape of a bamboo neck and a plate mouth183
山雨欲来秋江冷(唇口葫芦瓶) 150×305 mm A vase of a gourd with the opening like a lip184
恰是万山红遍 潭里犹有春风(天球瓶) 270×390 mm A round vase184
翠盖红莲放(艺术盘) 330×130 mm A plate185
神火献宝(艺术大盘) 410×45 mm A big plate186
牛(对) 545×320 mm A cow187
波涛如怒(鹅颈瓶) 125×265 mm A vase with a goose neck188
照彻乾坤(唇口葫芦瓶) 150×305 mm A vase in the shape of a gourd188
雾松(艺术大盘) 33×350 mm Foggy Pine189
澄澄水如兰 灼灼山似绣 343×195 mm The water is clear in blue while the mountain shows the beauty of tine189
一江秋水流霞光(益寿瓶) 5150×240 mm A vase with a design of longevity190
晚霞染秋山(梅瓶) 500×210 mm A plum vase191
十里小溪闻蛙声(艺术大盘) 39×348 mm Frog's voice along ten-mile stream192
鸡 330×470 mm Cock192
自古逢秋悲寂寥(艺术大盘) 38×323 mm Autumn makes person feel lonely193
残阳一抹淡流霞(胆瓶) 362×165 mm A thin-wall vase193
绿水冉冉锁清湖(孔雀瓶) 215×443 mm A vase in shape of a peacock with picture of clear waters of the lake194
雄鸡 330×470 mm Cock195
刘关张三结义(艺术大盘) 25×400 mm MrLir,Cuan,Zhang making close friends together196
天涯碧云秋(胆瓶) 295×400 mm Autumn clouds at ends of the Earth196
钧瓷之都 龙泉寺大树(艺术大盘) 24×373 mm The big tree Ancient of Temple Long -quan in Jun percelain's Capital197
楚峰几重 遮不住相思梦(胆瓶) 480×185 mm A vase in the shape like a stone roller197
娃娃枕 400×220 mm A pillow in the shape like a baby198
鼠 345×320 mm Mouse199
牛 570×320 mm Cow199
虎 550×430 mm Tiger200
兔 290×280 mm Rabbit200
龙 510×560 mm Dragon201
蛇 310×500 mm Snake201
马 550×490 mm Horse202
羊 375×290 mm A couple of Sheep202
猴 305×440 mm Monkey203
鸡 570×340 mm Cock203
狗 335×485 mm Dog204
猪 530×335 mm Pig204
春风又绿江南岸(梅瓶) 500×210 mm A plum vase205
晴岚雨后妍 晚霞染秋山(凤耳观音大瓶) 530×1950 mm The autumn mountains after the rain(a plum vase)206
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