固体中的光相互作用 第2版=OPTICAL INTERACTIONS IN SOLIDS 2ND EDITION 英文 影印版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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1.Elements of Quantum Mechanics1
1.Review of Classical Mechanics1
2.Vector Spaces and Linear Operators4
3.Basic Postulates of Quantum Mechanics10
4.Compatible Observables and Complete Set of Commuting Operators13
5.Form of the Operators15
6.Matrix Formalism and Transformation Theory20
7.General Theory of Angular Momentum29
8.Time-Independent Perturbation Theory35
9.Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory42
2.Elements of Group Theory49
1.Properties of a Group49
3.Theory of Representations53
4.Schur's Lemma and Orthogonality Relations58
5 Characters of a Group61
6.Properties of the Irreducible Representations of a Group64
7.The Direct Product Representation65
8.Product Groups and Their Representations66
9.Summary of Rules68
10 .Groups of Real Orthogonal Matrices69
11.Space Groups and Symmetry of Crystalline Solids75
12.The Irreducible Representations of a Group of Primitive Translations92
13.The Irreducible Representations of Space Groups95
3.Connection of Quantum Mechanics with Group Theory115
1.The Effect of an Orthogonal Coordinate Transformation on the Vectors of a Hilbert Space115
2.The Symmetry Group of the Schr?dinger Equation117
3.The Fundamental Theorem for Functions and Operators Transforming Irreducibly121
4.The Construction of Functions Transforming Irreducibly124
5.The Full Rotational Group and the Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum127
6.The Spin of the Electron and the Double Valued Representations137
7.The Kramers'Degeneracy142
8.The Symmetric Group of the Hamiltonian and the Pauli Principle148
4.The Hydrogen Atom155
1.The Unperturbed Hamiltonian155
2.The Spin-Orbit Interaction157
3.The Zeeman Interaction160
4.Group Theoretical Considerations for the H Atom162
5.The Complex Atom:Multiplet Theory165
1.The Helium Atom165
2.The Many Electron Atom169
3.Group Theoretical Considerations for a Complex Atom176
4.The Energies of Spectral Terms180
5.Hund's Rules and the Principle of Equivalence of Electrons and Holes188
6.The Spin-Orbit Splitting of Terms190
7.An Example of Spin-Orbit and Zeeman Splitting193
6.The Magnetic Ion in a Crystal:The Role of Symmetry197
1.Bonding in Crystals197
2.The Ionic Bond in Crystals198
3.Electronic Configurations and Properties of Magnetic Ions201
4.The Crystalline Field Hypothesis212
7.The Weak Field Scheme217
1.The Hamiltonian of the Free Ion217
2.The Crystal Field Perturbation218
3.Application of the Weak Field Scheme219
4.Splittings of J Levels in Fields of Different Symmetries223
8.The Medium Field Scheme225
1.The Hamiltonian of the Free Ion225
2.The Crystal Field Perturbation227
3.The Spin-Orbit Interaction228
4.An Application ofthe Medium Field Scheme228
5.The Method of Operator Equivalents:The Splitting of Transition Metal Ions Levels in an Octahedral Crystal Field230
9.The Strong Field Scheme237
1.The Unperturbed Hamiltonian237
2.The Crystal Field Perturbation239
3.The Electrostatic Interaction240
4.The Spin-Orbit Interaction241
10.Covalent Bonding and Its Effect on Magnetic Ions in Crystals243
1.The Relevance of Covalent Bonding243
2.The Formation of Molecular Orbitals244
3.Example of Molecular Orbitals Formation246
4.The Use of Projection Operators in the Construction of Molecular Orbitals258
5.The Formation of Hybrids262
6.Hybrids of the Central Ion in a Tetrahedral Complex AB4267
7.Hybrids of the Central Ion in an Octahedral Complex AB6269
8.The Combinations of Ligand Orbitals in an ABn Complex271
9.The Energy Levels of an ABn Complex274
11.The Quantum Theory of the Radiation Field283
1.The Classical Electromagnetic Field283
2.The Quantum Theory of the Electromagnetic Field286
12.Molecular Vibrations295
1.The Classical Theory of Molecular Vibrations295
2.The Symmetry of the Molecules and the Normal Coordinates299
3.How to Find the Normal Modes of Vibration300
4.The Use of Symmetry Coordinates303
5.The Quantum Theory of Molecular Vibrations307
6.The Selection Rules for Infrared and Raman Transitions,The Fermi Resonance309
7.The Normal Modes and the Symmetry Coordinates of a Tetrahedral Complex AB4312
8.The Normal Modes and the Symmetry Coordinates of an Octahedral Complex AB6315
13.Lattice Vibrations323
1.The Geometry of Crystalline Solids323
2.Lattice Vibrations of an Infinite Crystal with One Atom Per Unit Cell326
3.Lattice Vibrations of a Finite Crystal with One Atom Per Unit Cell329
4.Lattice Vibrations of a Crystal with More Than One Atom Per Unit Cell336
5.Thermodynamics of Phonons339
6.Phonons and Photons.Similarities and Differences346
14.The Ion-Photon Interaction:Absorption and Emission of Radiation349
1.The Ion-Radiation Interaction349
2.The Expansion of the Interaction Hamiltonian:Different Types of Radiation351
3.The Density of Final States353
4.The Transition Probability Per Unit Time354
5.Dipole Radiation356
6.Selection Rules for Radiative Transitions358
7.About the Intensities of Radiative Transitions369
8.The Static Effects of the Interaction Between an Atomic System and the Electromagnetic Field373
15.The Judd-Ofelt Theory375
2.General Considerations376
3.The Theory377
16.The Ion-Vibration Interaction.Radiationless Processes,Thermal Shift,and Broadening of Sharp Lines385
1.The Ion-Vibration Interaction385
2.Radiationless Processes in Crystals387
3.Different Types of Line Broadening Mechanisms:Lorentzian and Gaussian Line Shapes402
4.Theory of Thermal Broadening of Sharp Lines413
5.Theory of Thermal Line Shift418
17.Vibrational-Electronic Interaction and Spectra425
2.Ion-Vibration Interaction in Molecular Complexes425
3.Vibronic Spectra of Molecular Complexes427
4.Space Groups and Lattice Vibrations438
5.Lattice Absorption in Perfect Crystals445
6.Phonon Activation Due to Impurity Ions in Perfect Crystals447
7.Selection Rules for Vibronic Transitions Due to Magnetic Impurities in Crystals450
18.Energy Transfer Among Ions in Solids455
1.Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of the Interactions Among Atoms455
2.Different Types of Interactions469
3.Modes of Excitation and Transfer478
4.Energy Transfer with No Migration of Excitation Among Donors482
5.Energy Transfer with Migration of Excitation Among Donors495
19.Absorption Spectra of Magnetic Ions in Crystals517
1.The A and B Coefficients as Related to Magnetic Ions in Crystals517
2.General Properties of Absorption Spectra520
3.Absorption Spectra of Magnetic Ions in Crystals526
4.The Effects of Temperature on Absorption Spectra532
5.Excited State Absorption541
20.Fluorescence Spectra of Magnetic Ions in Crystals547
1.The Fluorescence Emission of Magnetic Ions Under Continuous Excitation547
2.The Response of Fluorescent Systems to Transient Excitation553
3.General Properties of the Fluorescence Decays in a Multilevel System558
4.Interactions of Magnetic Ions and Their Efiects on the Fluorescence Output562
5.The Factors Affecting the Fluorescence Emission564
6.Fluorescence of Magnetic Ions in Crystals573
21.Elements of Laser Theory583
1.Laser Conditions583
2.Examples of Ionic Solid State Lasers598
Subject Index607
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