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- 出版社: 中国人类学民族学研究会
- 出版时间:2009
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1.Physical Anthropology and Molecular Anthropology体质人类学和分子人类学8
1-054 The Classics and Vigor of Dermatoglyphics肤纹学之经典和活力8
1.Report the findings of nationality dermatoglyphics in Chinese中国民族肤纹的汇报8
2.Suggestion and analysis of the Human Dermatoglyphics of experiment course《人类肤纹学》课程的实验分析和建议10
3.The human dermatoglyphics of curriculum construction《人类肤纹学》课程建设和体会11
4.Study on Hui nationality's skin print in DaLi 大理市回族人群肤纹分析研究11
5.Dermatoglyphics and hand morphology in future psychological profiling12
6.Dermatoglyphic variances between oriental and occidental populations defining cognitive processes----a preliminary study13
7.Dermatoglyphic study of population admixture between Kam and Han in Sanjiang 三江侗族与汉族的群体混合肤纹研究13
8.The sexual differences of the palmar density of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains 太行山猕猴掌面花纹密度的性差分析14
9.Dermatoglyphic parameter of the Shangdang area nationality of Shanxi Province 山西上党地区汉族群体的肤纹学研究15
10.Statistic interpretations of Down syndrome in comparison with mild and heavy mental handicap 唐氏症与轻、重度智障肤纹之比较统计结论16
11.A study on selection of athletes by dermatoglyphics 运动员肤纹选材模式的研究17
12.Research on the characteristics of double-loop whorl of the elite gymnastic athletes 优秀体操运动员双箕斗特征的分析研究18
13.On the constitutional health status of Tibetan students in Tibet Autonomous Region during 1985~2000 1985~2000年西藏藏族学生体质状况的研究19
14.Dermatoglyphics of Han Chinese and Aborigines in Taiwan台湾汉族人与原住民之肤纹学研究20
15.Pattern influence on the fingers of Hui and Han nationalities in Ningxia 宁夏回、汉族指纹模式影响的研究21
16.Digital dermatoglyphics and fluctuating asymmetry of dermatoglyphic with schizophrenia 精神分裂症患者数量肤纹学特征与波动性不对称性的研究22
17.Summary of the Relationship between the Hand Dermatoglyph and Diseases 手部肤纹与病症的关系23
18.The research of dermatoglyphic in a family with syndactyly 并指(趾)症家系指纹的研究25
19.Yunnan ethnic dermatoglyphics study prospects 云南民族肤纹研究的前景26
20.Dermatoglyphic patterns of autism--a pilot study 自闭症之肤纹研究初探27
21.Dermatoglyphic patter in Down syndrome--an asian study with Reed's nomogram 肤纹与唐氏综合症----以Reed肤纹列线图检定香港唐氏综合症案例28
22.Report of the Dermatoglyphics and Cosmetology Association in SooChow University 苏州大学〈医学皮纹学、美容学研究协会〉在肤纹研究中的成绩29
23.Report hand dermatoglyphics parameters of females and males 手纹与性别相关性研究.30
24.Dermatoglyphics and Physiological Properties of the Individual31
25.Digital and Palmar Dermatoglyphics in Multiple Sclerosis,Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Coeliac Disease32
26.The Research on the Coincidence of Fingerprint Ridge Characteristics 指纹细节特征偶合现象研究32
27.Research of the lip print 唇纹研究33
28.The Identification of Intact and Molt-affected Fingerprints Lifted from Crime Scene 现场残缺脱皮指纹的鉴定34
29.Nanjing Chinese Fingerprint Museum 南京中华指纹博物馆35
30.Finger and Palmer Dermatoglyphics on β Thalassemia Patients visiting two Hospitals in36
31.Hand and foot—the base of human civilization and future 手足文化与艺术之表现36
32.Finger and Palmar Dermatoglyphic Variations at Different Levels of Inbreeding in Three Females populations of eastern India37
33.Preparation of Chinese Fingerprint Museum 中华指纹博物馆的筹建37
34.Report of Down's syndrome Dermatoglyphic Down患儿肤纹研究初探38
2-044 Human Differences and Natural Adaptation人的差异与自然适应38
A.Human's difference in macroscopic38
1.Preliminary Study on the Origin of Tibetan Ethnic Population in Tibet38
2.The adult skinfold changes with aging in Chinese Maonan ethnic group in Guangxi province39
3.A dermatoglyphic study of Hui nationality students in Lingxia Hui Autonomous Region39
4.A study on the somatotype of GanSu YuGu adolescentsby Heath-Carter method40
5.The dynamic analysis of Dongxiang students'body shape,function and quality from 1995 to 200540
6.The actuality and countermeasure of procreant-health of minority in Gansu41
7.Study on somatotype of adolescencein Dalian with the Heath-Carter anthropometric method41
8.The study of the skeletons of the corpse of Ming Dynasty in Guangzhou western Han Nanyu mausoleum41
9.The measurement of facial width and related research on children in Sichuan area42
10.The origin of the Tibetans in Tibet-the clues from the dermatoglyph43
11.The research of skeletal age of Tibetan children and adolescents in Tibet43
12.An investigation on physical growth from aged 7-18 students in Tibet44
13.Investigation on body surface area of the Tibetan middle and primary school students44
14.The prevalence of overweight and obesity and BMI distribution among the Tibetan children and adolescents44
15.Adaptability and sustainability of two peasant strategy in Calakmul,Campeche,Mexico45
16.Analysis of the questionnalre about periodontal healthy status of Baoan nationality45
17.A survey on eruption of the third molar of 795 Tibetan students46
18.The study on the morphologic characteristics of lips of Chinese youth in Baoan nationality.46
19.The investigation on 9 circumference values of Chinese Mulam47
20.A study on the circumference of Jing nationality adults in China48
21.The research advances of late Pleistocene human evolution in China48
22.Another road ecological protection——Veneration of Tibetan Buddhism in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ecological protection of the status and role49
23.Inheritance of asymmetry and diversity of dermatoglyphic traits in 500 Indian pedigrees:Complex segregation analysis49
24.The application of physical anthropology in forensic science50
25.Analysis of Deciduous Tooth Caries in 421 5-year-old Tibetan Children in GanNan Tibetan Autonomy State50
26.Dimensional Analysis to Human Adaptive Evolution51
27.A New Bioarchaeological Clue for the DongHu Nationality51
B.Human's difference in microcosmic51
1.Studies on peak bone density of healthy female in Maonan nationality52
2.Polymorphisms of interleukin-1 αand β gene in healthy people of Zhuang Nationality in Guangxi province52
3.Changes analysis of drugs used for acute cerebral infarction patients before and after medical reform in Lanzhou railway region53
4.Oxidative stress in healthy term neonate53
5.Analysis of bone alkaline phosphatase levels and correlated factors among preschool children in Lanzhou city53
6.The study on genetic characteristic for immunity of minority in Gansu54
7.Analysis of HLA-A.B and DRB1 allelic polymorphism in the Han population in Lanzhou region,China54
8.Study frequency discontinuous traits of cranial in Chinese ancient populations55
9.Polymorphism studies of D10S1248. D14S1434 and D22S1045 miniSTR loci of Han nationality of the northeast in China55
10.Polymorphism studies of (D1S1677.D2S441 and D4S2364) 3miniSTR loci of Han ethnic in the northeast of China56
11.Study on the polymorphisms of DYS287,DYS456 and DYS458 locus of Tibetan in Tibet56
12.The polymorphism of mtDNA region V among the Tibetan57
13.Sequence polymorphism of Tibetan population mitochondrial DNA D-loop hypervariable region Ⅱ57
14.The genetic polymorphisms of the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA)57
15.Genetic studies on 15 Short Tandem Repeat in Tibetan population58
16.Paleolithic Y-haplogroup heritage predominates in a Cretan highland plateau58
17.The Himalayas as a directional barrier to gene flow59
18.The levant versus the horn of Africa:evidence for bidirectional corridors of human migrations59
19.Ethnic India:A genomic view,with special reference to peopling and structure60
20.Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India ldentify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists60
21.Sex dimorphism in heart disease and mechanisms:from genetic modified mice to human61
22.RelationshiP between elderly residents'cognitive function and the aluminium contents of drinking water and hair in GuangXi bauxite district61
23.Invesitgaton of the antomical structures Related to the Blocking maxillary nerve62
24.Genetic Evidence Concerning the Origin of 5 Hlai Subgroups in Hainan Island62
25.Populations Genetic Analysis of Y-chromosomal Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Three Branches of Hlai63
26.Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop Region Polymorphism between Koreans and Han nationality in Yanbian,China63
C.The cause of difference64
1.Comparison on Symotatyping of 27 Ethnic Groups in China64
2.Dynamic analysis on physical fitness condition of Dongxiang and Han nationality students in Gansu Province,China during 1985—200064
3.Genetic relationships among Mulao and other nationalities in China revealed by analysis of the physical characteristics,somatotype and STR65
4.On the constitutional health status of Tibetan students in Tibet autonomous region during 1985-200065
5.Research on differences in dental fluorosis of five northwest China nationalities university students66
6.Comparing somatotype between urban and herd in tibetan66
7.Primary approach of Tibet origin——clue from somatotype67
8.The physical characters of head of the Miao ethnic youths of Rongshui country in Guangxi province67
9.The characteristics physical development of Han student's in Gansu province68
3-047 Molecular Anthropology分子人类学68
8-001 Comparative Genomics of Primates灵长类基因组比较68
8-002 Ancient DNA Studies 古代DNA研究68
8-003 The Genetic Basis of Brain Development and Evolution大脑发育和演化的遗传基础69
2.Human Ecology人文生态学70
1-020 Panel 1 Causal or Cylical-Pulsative Growth in Human Ontogenesis 专题1 偶发或周期----人类个体发育中的爆发成长70
1-023 Panel 2 Variation in Human Size and Form in Phylo-and Ontogetic Development 专题2 种系与个体发育中的人类体形和体态的变异70
1-024 Panel 3 Changes in Teeth Eruption in Phylo-and Ontogenesis of Homo 专题3 人属动物种系与个体发育中的牙齿突出变化70
3-005 Panel 4 Patterns of Human Growth Months-of-Birth-Effect on Human Growth and Development 专题4 出生月份对人类成长和发育的影响70
A.1.Rate of growth,month of birth-effect and sexual dimorphism in human growth and development71
1.Does a child grow at night,at leisure or is it effect of physical movements?71
2.The complexities of the growth process71
3.Short-term growth in healthy infants,schoolchildren and adolescent girls72
4.Monthly changes in pubertal growth in Yucatecan adolescents72
5.Jump preserving filters for short-term growth data73
A.2 Rate of growth,month of birth-effect and sexual dimorphism in human growth and development74
1.Month-of-birth effect on body mass and length in Warsaw newborns and on weight and height of Warsaw schoolgirls74
2.Are birth weight and gestational age affected by season of birth and mother's origin?The case of Spain between 1996-200574
3.Seasonal changes of body mass composition in Russian students75
4.A seasonal variations of birth weight and length in a Middle Eastern population75
A.3 Rate of growth,month of birth-effect and sexual dimorphism in human growth and development76
1.Sexual dimorphism in some birth outcomes of Warsaw neonates and family conditions76
2.Sexual dimorphism in generalized,subcutaneous and central adiposity in relation to blood pressure among the adult Mising tribal population of Assam,North-east India76
3.Sex differences of stature in Homo sapiens:an evolutionary answer to gender inequalities?77
4.Gender Divisions-A Case Study of Liangshan Yi people78
3.Medical Anthropology,Epidemiology医学人类学和流行病79
1-030 IUAES COMMISSION ON MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology-Challenges of the 21st century In line with the Anthropology of 21 st century:Culture,Medicine and Bretton Woods Realities医学人类学与流行病学79
1-049 Medical Anthropology Research in China中国的医学人类学研究95
1.Anthropological Study On Medical Practice of Combination of Traditional Medicine and Witchcraft:A Case Study of Central Hunan95
2.Medicine as commodity:Local reach of Chinese and Indian medicine in modern era95
3.Little Emperors in a Hospital of Chiese Medicine:A Case Study of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Contemporary Urban China96
4.Uyghur Medicine in Practice:A Study in Khotan96
5.A Social Anthropologic Study on Magic Cure of Folk Religion Organization in Wangwu Mountain of Henan Provence97
6.Traditional Chinese Medicine Negotiating its place Midst Modernity and Neocolonialism in 21st Century China97
7.An Anthropological Thinking on the Breaking Through Besiegement of Traditional Chinese Medicine98
8.Perspective of Medical Anthropology on Sixiang Medicine of the Korean Nationality in China98
9.Puzzles and Tactics in Constructing the Health Care System in Coexistence of Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine98
10.A Research on Medical Beliefs in Yunnan Minority Communities99
11.Going into Them and Their Circle:Perspective on Homosexual Groups in Nanning from the Change of Their Habitat99
12.The Yi OVC in the Assistance Net——The Anthropological Analysis of Existing100
13.HIV/AIDS Interpretation and Preventive Practices Among Sex Workers in the Socio-Political Contexts of Sex Industry in southeastern part of Yunnan province,PR.China100
14.Chinese Women,Aging,Conjugality,Sex,and Well-Being101
15.Health Care of Reproduction in Countryside of Minorities in Southwest China:The Integration of Tradition and Modernness102
16.Risk,Knowledge and Illness Management:A Discussion of the Changes of Illness Risk Perceptions and Illness Behaviour among People in Yongxing Village in China102
17.Kidney Transplantation,Body and Culture102
18.Medical Anthropology and China's' Scientific Outlook on Development103
19.Unemployment and mental health in urban China103
20.Three literacies for food safety problem:science,media and cross-cultural103
21.Cultural Anthropology's Thinking on Modern Life Diseases104
22.An Analysis on Phenomenon of Prehistoric Skull Trepanning on Tibetan Plateau104
23.Rumor and Secret Space:The Tianiin Massacre104
2-021 Exploring the Cultural Politics of Infectious Diseases关于传染病的文化政治探索106
4-086 PoPulation Diversity,Migrants and Health种群多样性,移民与健康110
4-055 Public Health and Anthropology公共卫生与人类学123
8-010 Medical Pluralism,Sectors of Health Care and Health Seeking Behavior:Problems And Perspectives In Critical Medical Anthropology134
4.Food and Nutrition食品与营养180
1-046 Global Variation in Human Growth and Nutrition人类成长与营养的全球差异180
1.Menarcheal age and adult body size ofIndian females180
2.Secular trends in the relationship between food stamp programme participation and body weight status among low income groups in US181
3.Comparison between BMI and nutritional indexes in a population of South of Italy181
4.Age changes in some linear measurements and secular trend in height in adult Indian women182
5.Nutrition,physical activity and somatic development during preschool age183
6.Impact of sickle cell on physical growth of tribal children of Mandla District(Madhya Pradesh) India184
7.Bitter receptor gene (TAS2R38) and food choices as predictors of dietary habits and growth and body fat among adolescent Gujjar boys from Northwest India185
8.Food and health of the Chinese migrant women in Western Europe186
9.A multi focus European examination of the effect of diet,lifestyle and environment on anthropometric details of two groups of Biological Science Students(UK and Spain)186
10.Infant feeding across time,space and ethnic groups187
11.Assessment of nutrition among the tribal children in India:tribes of coastal,Himalayan and desert ecology188
12.Growth performance of deaf mute boys of Punjab S.P.Singh and Sukhdeep Singh188
13.Somatotype characteristics of 21-60 Year old obese Punjabi Khatri Women189
14.Assessment of childhood growth among Korku and Warli tribes of Maharashtra190
15.The growth and development of mine-a study of individual development of the 80s190
16.Heritability of body measurements from childhood to maturity of an urban Indian population191
5-022 Childhood obesity in different parts of the world世界不同地区儿童肥胖问题192
Obesity prevalence,environment,life conditions,nutritional behavior and somatic development192
1.Contrasting socio-demographic determinants of overweight and obesity among Australian and Thai children192
2.Morphological parameters,cardiorespiratory fitness and their relationship in obese and non-obese Indian boys193
Addressing the childhood obesity'juggernaut'-how to activate youngsters and deactivate inactive,sedentary behaviours'195
1.Psychological profile to become and to stay obese195
2.Dietary Acculturation and Child Obesity among Children of Mexican Migrant Farmworkers in Southern New Jersey196
3.Prevalence and Trends of Childhood Obesity in Chinese Primary and Secondary School Students,1985-2005197
5.Effect of Nutritional Education on Changes in Waist-Hip Ratio and Percentage of Body Fat among Malaysian University Students199
6.Obesity prevalence,environment,life conditions,nutritional behavior and somatic development200
8.Effect of Nutritional Education on Changes in Waist-Hip Ratio and Percentage of Body Fat among Malaysian University Students202
5.Psycho-anthropology 心理人类学204
3-050 Psycho-anthropologist Francis L.K.Hsu and China心理人类学家许烺光与中国204
1.Francis Hsu's Theory:Psycho-social Homeostasis and its Background of Chinese Culture205
2.Moving Francis Hsu's Kinship Theory One Step Further:Empirical Evidence from the Indigenous Peoples and Han Chinese in Taiwan207
3.A Revisit To The West Town:Personality Structure Of The West Town People Today207
4.Tibetan Polyandry:An Analysis with Cultural Anthropology208
5.The Property of lemoto in Terakoya209
6.Marginal People under the Ancestors'Shadow:The Change of Chinese Culture and Personality in West Town210
7."Great Tradition"、"Little Tradition"and Psychological Cultural Orientation-Some Conceptual Tools of Studying the Literate Civilization in Culture Anthropology Discussed210
8.A Research on the Chinese in the United States from a Cultural Comparative Perspective:A Critical Review of Francis,L.K.Hsu's two books211
9.China's new generation crisis and Psychosocial Homeostasis212
8-005 Contacts of Cultures in Colonial and Postcolonial situations-Phenomenological studies殖民和后殖民场景下的多文化接触:现象学研究212
1.The role of the family in the migration of individuals,phenomenological study212
2.The colonial relation between Greenland and Denmark-a phenomenological study213
3.A phenomenological and Cross Cultural Study of Personal and Professional Success in Collectivistic and Individualistic Cultures214
4.Social Stabilization and Multiculturality---a phenomenological study in Yunnan215
5.A study of volunteering experience in other countries as a mean of understanding the mechanisms of intercultural contacts215
6.Meaning Constitution Analysis:a phenomenological approach to human sciences216
7.The experience of being a Ghanaian orphan-a phenomenological study217
6.Sport Anthropology 体育人类学219
3-0553-056 Sport Anthropology 体育人类学219
1.Diversified cultural value of traditional Chinese minority national sport221
2.Sports:token and hope of human progress221
3.Existing choice of traditional sports under the globalization221
4.The Contemporary Meaning and Future Development of National Traditional Sports222
5.Future of the Orient sports223
6.Variance from play to traditional sports223
7.The use of sports anthropology in handicapped sports research223
8.Discussion on the function of sport anthropology in Academic Study of the folk games224
9.Ethnic sports and tourism224
10.Modern Transformation of Korean Traditional Archery,1894-2007224
11.Modernization of Korean Martial Arts225
12.A Study on Acculturation of Oriental Martial Arts in Europe225
13.The Making of Irish National Identity:the Gaelic Games226
14.Female anthropology and female sports227
15.Historical fortune of traditional sports in the globalization:taking China Wushu as an example227
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