

  • 张强,张楠译注 著
  • 出版社: 北京:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:9787100124932
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:285页
  • 文件大小:28MB
  • 文件页数:307页
  • 主题词:


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上编 希腊历史铭文3

一 年表3

(一)帕罗斯碑(Marmor Parium)3

(二)林多斯碑(Anagrapne von Lindos)35

二 古风时代56

(一)奈斯托尔酒樽(‘Nestor’s Cup’ : 750—700 B.C.)56

(二)德莱洛斯法(Law on the Constitution: Dreros, 650—600 B.C.)57

(三)科尔库拉“proxenos”墓志铭(Cenotaph of a Corcyraean Proxenos:[?]625—600 B.C.)58

(四)库勒内法令(Foundation of Cyrene: Late Seventh Century B.C.)59

(五)德拉古法(Republication of Dracon’ Law of Homicide,409—8 B.C.)62

(六)希腊雇佣兵远征记(Greek Mercenaries in Egyptian Service: 591B.C.)64

(七)叙巴里斯人与塞尔达伊奥伊人的盟约(Treaty between Sybaris and the Serdaioi:[?]550—525 B.C.)66

(八)埃利斯人与赫拉埃亚人的盟约(Alliance between Eleans and Heraeans: C.500 B.C.)67

(九)庇西斯特拉托斯任职铭刻(Dedication of Pisistratus, Son of Hippias: C.521B.C.)68

(十)大流士致伽达塔斯书(Letter of Darius: 522—486 B.C.)69

(十一)雅典关于萨拉米的法令(Athenian Decree concerning Salamis:[?]late sixth century B.C.)71

三 古典时代72

(一)马拉松大捷谢恩祭献(Athenian Thank-offering for Marathon: 490 B.C)72

(二)雅典陶片放逐制(Ostracism at Athens: 487ff.B.C.)73

(三)地米斯托克利法令(The Decree of Themistocles: 480 B.C.)74

(四)科林斯阵亡将士墓志铭(Epitaph of the Corinthians who Died at Salamis: 480 B.C.)76

(五)普拉提亚大捷纪念碑(Greek Thank-offering for Victories in the Persian War: 479—478 B.C.)77

(六)米利都反僭主令(Political Expulsions from Miletus: between 470 and 440 B.C.)79

(七)雅典关于埃里斯拉伊的法令(Regulations for Erythrai: [?]453—452 B.C.)80

(八)雅典帝国币制法令(Athenian Decree Enforcing the Use of Athenian Coins, Weights, and Measures:[?]450—446 B.C.)82

(九)克雷伊尼阿斯法令(Tightening-up of Tribute Payment: [?]447 B.C.)84

(十)雅典关于卡尔基斯的法令(Athenian Relations with Chalkis: 446—445 B.C.)86

(十一)雅典殖民布莱亚的法令(Athenian Colony at Brea: C.445 B.C.)88

(十二)雅典与赫雷基乌姆的盟约(Alliance between Athens and Rhegium: 433—432 B.C.)90

(十三)雅典与雷翁提乌姆的盟约(Alliance between Athens and Leotini: 433—432 B.C.)91

(十四)雅典与迈索内及马其顿的关系(Athenian Relations with Methone and Macedon: 430 B.C.and later)92

(十五)雅典征收盟金令(Appointment of Tribute Collectors: 426 B.C.)95

(十六)关于进献初次收获的法令(Athenian Decree regulating the Offering of First-Fruits at Eleusis:[?]C.422 B.C.)97

(十七)埃雷特里亚嘉奖赫戈洛克斯令(Eretria revolts from Athens: 411B.C.)100

(十八)关于刺杀弗吕尼克斯的嘉奖令(Phrynichus’ Assassins honoured: 409 B.C.)101

(十九)羊河大捷(Lysander, Victor of Aegospotami: 405 B.C.)103

(二十)雅典嘉奖萨摩斯令(Athens honours the Samians: 405 B.C.)104

(二十一)阿闵塔斯与卡尔基斯人的盟约(Alliance of Amyntas and Chalcidians: about 393 B.C)106

(二十二)雅典与基奥斯的盟约(Alliance between Athens and Chios: 384 B.C.)107

(二十三)阿里斯多特莱斯法令(Charter of the Second Athenian Confederacy: 377 B.C.)109

(二十四)底比斯留克特拉大捷(Theban Victory at Leuctra: 371B.C.)112

(二十五)雅典与埃托利亚结盟令(Athens and Aetolian League: 367 B.C.)113

(二十六)科林斯同盟誓辞(Peace of the Greeks with Philip of Macedon: 338—337 B.C.)114

四 希腊化时代116

(一)亚历山大大帝与雅典的盟约(Treaty betwen Alexander the Great and the Greeks: 336—335 B.C.)116

(二)普里埃内嘉奖令(Priene Honours Antigonus: 334 B.C.)117

(三)雅典嘉奖埃乌德莫斯令(Athens Honours Eudemus of Plataea: 329 B.C.)118

(四)雅典嘉奖迈穆农令(Athens Honours Memnon of Rhodes:327 B.C.)119

(五)雅典殖民亚得里亚海沿岸令(Athens Sends a Colony to the Adriatic: 325—324 B.C.)120

(六)嘉奖德摩特里奥斯令(Aexonensium Demus Demetrium Phalereum Laudat a.318/317)122

(七)雅典嘉奖吕库尔戈斯令(Athenienses Lycurgum Butadem Laudant a.307/306)123

(八)皮鲁士多多那祭献(Pyrrhi Regis Donarium Dodonaeum a 280)124

(九)雅典嘉奖埃乌吕克利德斯令(Euryclides Atheniensis Post a.229)125

(十)迈伽拉波利斯嘉奖腓罗普埃蒙令(Philopoemenis Honores Heroioi,a.183)126


(十二)奥洛普斯法令(Oropiorum Decretum, C.a.154—149)128

(十三)罗马信札(Mithradates.Chaeremo, Post a.88)130

下编 拉丁历史铭文135

一 王政时代135

(一)普莱奈斯特扣针(Fibula Praenestina: First Half of the 7th Century B.C.)135

(二)三连罐铭文(Duenos Inscription: 7th—5th Century B.C.)137

二 共和国时代139

(一)希腊神崇拜(Castor and Pollux Dedication: Mid-or Late-6 th Century B.C.)139

(二)西比阿·巴尔巴图斯柩铭(Scipionic Sarcophagus with Epitaph: Probably 3rd Century B.C.)140

(三)艾弥利乌斯法令(Decree of L.Aemilius: ca.190 B.C.)142

(四)酒神崇拜法令(Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus: 186 B.C.)144

(五)阿斯库卢姆法令(Two Decrees of Gn.Pompeius: 90/89 B.C.)146

(六)尤利乌斯城市法(Law of Caesar on Municipalities: 44 B.C.)148

(七)伽卢斯记功碑(Trilingual Dedication by Cornelius Gallus: 29 B.C.)163

三 帝国时代165

(一)埃及方尖碑铭文(Base of Obelisk: ca.10 B.C.)165


(三)奥古斯都祭坛铭文(The Cult of Augustus at Narbonensis: A.D.12—13)167

(四)奥古斯都功德碑(The Achievements of the Divine Augustus: A.D.14)169

(五)赫巴铜表(The Tabula Hebana: A.D.19)195

(六)恺撒城建筑题记(Dedication of a Tiberieum by Pontius Pilate: A.D.26—36)205

(七)尹特拉姆纳铭文(The Fall of Sejanus:A.D.32)206

(八)效忠宣誓铜表(Oath of Allegiance to Gaius: A.D.37)207

(九)安尼基乌斯墓志铭(Officer in the Conquest of Britain: after A.D.43)208

(十)克劳狄敕令(Edict of Claudius Granting Roman Citizenship: A.D.46)209

(十一)克劳狄演说辞(Speech of the Emperor Claudius: A.D.48/54)211

(十二)克劳狄凯旋门铭文(Triumphal Arch of Emperor Claudius: A.D.51)218

(十三)士兵退役文书(Military Diploma: A.D.60)219

(十四)尼禄治下的帝王崇拜(Religious Acts Celebrating the Safety of Nero: A.D.65)221

(十五)皇权法残片(Law on Vespasian’ s Imperium: A.D.69—70)223

(十六)萨博拉铜表(Letter of Vespasian to Sabora: A.D.77)225

(十七)普劳提乌斯墓志铭(Epitaph of a Soldier and Public Officer: cA.A.D.74)226

(十八)提图斯凯旋门铭文(Triumphal Arch of Titus: cA. A.D.81)228

(十九)法雷里奥铜表(Letter of Domitian about a Land Controversy: cA.A.D.82)229

(二十)达西亚阵亡者祭碑(Domitian’ s War Against the Dacians: A.D.88—89)230


(二十二)铁门崖刻(Preparations at the Iron Gate for the Dacian War: A.D.100)232

(二十三)公共救济铭表(Tabula Alimentaria: A.D.101)233

(二十四)马克西姆斯墓志铭(Roman Soldier Captures the King of the Dacians: A.D.106)236

(二十五)叙利亚里程碑(The Trajanic Highway from Syria to the Red Sea: A.D.111)237

(二十六)哈德良造像题记(Statue-base Inscription in Honor of Hadrian: A.D.112)238

(二十七)图拉真记功柱题记(Column of Trajan Inscription: A.D.113)240

(二十八)加尔罗残刻(Hadrian’ s Frontier Policy in Britain: cA. A.D.118)241

(二十九)哈德良免除债务令(Hadrian Cancels Debts Owed to the Treasury: A.D.118)242

(三十)哈德良批文(Plotina and Hadrian Concerning the School at Athens: A.D.121)243

(三十一)哈德良演说辞(Hadrian Addresses His Army in Africa: A.D.128)245

(三十二)迈尼乌斯·阿格里帕造像题记(The Curriculum Vitae of Marcus Maenius Agrippa: cA.A.D.130)248

(三十三)希尔瓦努斯祭坛铭文(Veterans’ Dedication of Altar to Silvanus: A.D.145)249

(三十四)安东尼努斯柱献辞(Dedication of a Sculptured Column to Antoninius Pius: cA.A.D.161)250

(三十五)财政官公文(Three Letters from Imperial Accountants: A.D.193)251

(三十六)塞维鲁拱门铭文(Dedication of Arch to Septimius Severus and His Sons: cA.A.D.203)252

(三十七)马克卢斯柩铭(Epitaph of the Father of Elagabalus: cA.A.D.217)254

(三十八)致德基乌斯的献辞(Dedication of Decius: A.D.251)255

(三十九)库贝拉祭坛铭文(Ex-voto Dedication to Cybele and Attis: cA.A.D.295)256

(四十)君士坦丁凯旋门铭文(Dedication of Triumphal Arch to Constantine: cA.A.D.315)257

(四十一)君士坦提乌斯二世造像题记(Dedication to Constantius Ⅱ: A.D.352/353)258

(四十二)瓦伦提尼安桥铭文(Dedication of Co-Emperor Valens: cA.A.D.365)259

(四十三)叙马库斯造像题记(Commemoration of Symmachus: A.D.377)260

(四十四)平乱碑记(Commemoration of Three Emperors: A.D.402/406)261

(四十五)奥克森提乌斯造像题记(Record of Erection of Statue of a Distinguished Administrator: A.D.441—445)263


