
- 张野编著 著
- 出版社: 长春:吉林人民出版社
- ISBN:9091·50
- 出版时间:1986
- 标注页数:380页
- 文件大小:12MB
- 文件页数:403页
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Above the salt尊为上宾1
According to Hoyle规规矩矩 公公正正1
Achille s heel 唯一弱点 致命弱点2
Add insult to injury 痛上加辱4
The Admirable Crichton 博学之士 多才多艺5
After one's own heart正中下怀 称心如意6
All roads lead to Rome殊途同归7
The Alpha and Omega 自始至终 囊括一切8
A number one天字第一号10
Apple of discord不和之源 纷争之祸根10
Apple of one's eye掌上明珠12
Apple of Sodom徒有其表 华而不实13
Apple-pie order有条不紊 井然有序14
Armed to the teeth全副武装 武装到牙齿15
An ass in a lion's skin色厉内荏 羊质虎皮16
As Cephalus to Procris意笃情深17
Ass waggeth hi s ears不懂装懂19
At the eleventh hour最后时刻 尚来得及20
Auld lang syne美好的往昔21
Aunt Sally 众矢之的22
Ax(e)to grind别有用心另有所图23
Babes in the woods不谙世故24
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune美酒为害烈于海水26
Backstairs influence暗中势力幕后人物28
Baker's dozen一打零一29
Bark up the wrong tree白费心思30
A Barmecide feast虚幻的酒宴虚情假义31
The beam in one's own eye眼中梁 木严重错误32
Beat around the bush旁敲侧击转弯抹角33
Beat the air白费力气徒劳无功34
Before the Flood远古时代35
Before you could say Jack Robinson说时迟那时快,转眼之间36
Be hoist with one's own petard作法自毙作茧自缚38
Bell,book and candle驱逐出教不可挽回39
Bell the cat舍己为人40
Benjamin's mess最大的份额42
Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷左右为难42
Beyond the pale超出范围离经叛道难于忍受44
Blaze a trail做出路标开辟道路45
Blow hot and cold朝三暮四46
A blue stocking炫学的女人女学究47
Bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh骨肉相联49
Born in the purple 生于王室 出身豪门50
Borrowed plumes 借来的衣服 摆空架子50
Box and Cox互相交替 轮流当值52
Brand from the burning劫后余生53
Breach of promise毁约食言 毁弃婚约54
Bring home the bacon得胜而归55
Build on sand建在沙上 建于不稳的基础上56
Bull in a china shop鲁莽之人57
Buridan's ass 优柔寡断之人59
Burke a question消灭于无形中60
Burn one's boat破釜沉舟 背水一战60
Burythe hatchet偃旗息鼓61
By and large总的说来 大体而论63
By hook or by crook不择手段64
By the cut of somebody's jib 外表看来64
By the grapevine小道消息 马路新闻65
By the skin of one's teeth 九死一生 好不容易67
Call a spade a spade 直言不讳68
Can't hold a candle to 不可同日而语70
The cask of Danaides 达那伊德斯的桶 无底洞71
Cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴 明珠暗投72
Castle in the air 空中楼阁 架空的计划74
Catch a Tarter遇到强敌75
Caviar(e)to the general 阳春白雪 曲高和寡76
Chastise with scorpions严酷责罚77
Cheer to the echo大声喝彩78
Cherish a serpent in one's bosom养虎遗患79
Clean hands清白廉洁80
Cleanliness is next to godliness清洁近乎圣洁81
Cleanse the Augean stable清污除垢82
Cfimb on the bandwagon随声附和见风使舵83
A cock and bull story无稽之谈荒诞不经84
Coign(e)of vantage 有利地位85
Cold shoulder冷淡对待86
Come to loggerheads争吵起来87
Cook one's goose毁掉某人 自毁前程88
Cool one's heels苦苦相候90
Corn in Egypt格外丰饶多极了90
Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪假慈悲91
Cross the Rubican孤注一掷 背水一战92
Cry wolf发假警报 虚张声势94
Curious as Lot's wife好奇心过重95
Cut a dido恶作剧胡打乱闹96
Cut the Gordian knot快刀斩乱麻排难解纷97
Cut to the quick伤到嫩肉触动感情99
Damurand Pythias生死之交莫逆之交100
The daughter of the horse-leech吸血鬼贪得无厌之徒102
The die is cast木已成舟大局已定103
Dine with Duke Humphrey 枵腹忍饥不得一饱104
A dog in the manger 损人不利己 占着茅坑不拉屎105
A doubting Thomas 怀疑主义者107
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 两副面孔双重性格107
Drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉108
Dutch defence 虚张声势109
Eat crow 被迫认错被迫认输112
Eat humble pie 忍气吞声忍辱含垢113
Eat somebody's salt 受人款待114
Enter the lists 提出挑战接受挑战115
Every dog has his day 风水轮流转人人都有得意时116
Everyone for himself and the devil take the117
hindmost 人不为己天诛地灭117
Eye for eye 以眼还眼119
Fabian policy(tactics) 拖延的策略120
Face the music 接受处罚面对麻烦121
Fall from grace 走入歧途 重堕魔道123
The family skeleton 家家都有难唱曲124
A feather in one's cap 值得骄傲的事物 成绩卓著126
Fiddle while Rome burns 不关心大事127
Fifth column 第五纵队128
Fight like Kilkenny cats一拼到底两败俱伤129
Fight(with)windmills 和风车开仗以幻影为敌130
Filthy lucre肮脏钱不义之财131
Find a clue to something找出线索133
A flasb in the pan昙花一现134
A fly in the oinment 一条鱼弄腥一锅汤 美中不足136
From Dan to Beersheba遍于各处到处137
From the housetops公开宣扬到处宣扬137
Gall and wormwood讨厌的事物痛心之事138
Get a drop on someone先发制人占据优势139
Get down to brass tacks言归正传谈及要点140
Get somebody's goat惹人恼火141
Get the hook被解雇被开除142
Get the sack卷铺盖 被解雇143
Get up on the wrong side of the bed心绪不宁整天心烦意乱143
Ghost walks发放薪饷144
Gild the lily画蛇添足145
Give a sop to Cerberus施以贿赂147
Give a lick and a promise敷衍塞责147
Give somebody the ax(e) 断绝关系 解雇某人148
Give somebody the creeps毛骨悚然149
Gods help those who help themselves自助者天助150
Go by the boards 完全断送抛到九霄云外151
Good wine needs no bush 好酒不用幌153
Go on a11 fours 匍匐而行154
Go the whole hog 尽力而为154
Go to Davy Jones's Locker 葬身鱼腹156
Go where the woodbine twineth 化为乌有消声匿迹157
A Greek gift 危险的礼物糖衣炮弹159
A grain of mustard seed发展迅速的事物159
Green-eyed monster 绿眼妖魔(忌妒)161
Grin like a Cheshire cat 咧嘴傻笑162
Hair stand on end 毛发倒竖毛骨悚然164
Handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆165
Hang by a hair 千钧一发岌岌可危166
Haul over the coals 责备电斥167
Have kissed the Blarney stone 花言巧语168
Heap coals of fire on one's head 以德报怨169
Heap Ossa to Pelion 难上加难170
Hector a person 威吓某人171
Hide one's light under a bushel 深藏不露172
Hobson's choice 没有选择余地173
Hold out the olive branch 建议讲和174
Hole and corner 偷偷摸摸鬼鬼祟祟175
Horn of plenty 丰饶之角丰盛的象征176
Horse of another colottr截然不同两码子事178
If the mountain will not come to Mohammed人事两将就179
In the arms of Morpheus睡在梦乡酣然大睡180
In the doldrums毫无生气意气消沉182
In the mind's eye在想象中183
In the seventh heaven欢天喜地在极乐世界185
It is Greek to me一窍不通186
It's an ill wind that blows nobody good渔翁得利此失彼得187
Joe Miller陈腐的笑话188
John Hancock亲笔签名189
Judas kiss犹大之吻背叛行为190
Keep one's powder dry枕戈待旦谨防万一191
Keep up with the Joneses赶上富邻居争比阔绰192
A kettle of fish一塌糊涂糟糕透了193
Kick the bucket一命呜呼194
Kill the fatted calf热情款待195
Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs杀鸡取卵 竭泽而渔197
King Stork专制君主 无道暴君198
Khock off work停止工作199
Know a hawk from a handsaw 明辨是非199
Knowledge is power知识就是力量200
A labour of love 乐于做的事 不计报酬的工作201
Labour of Si syphus徒劳无功202
Labours of Hereules艰苦工作203
A Laconic reply简短回答205
The law of the Medes and the Pertians既定之法205
Lead a charmed life吉人天相 天庇神佑207
Leave no stone unturned千方百计208
Let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密209
Let the dead bury their dead把往事置之脑后既往不咎210
Lie in one's throat信口开河厚颜无耻地扯谎211
Like a Trojan英勇顽强213
A lion in the way拦路虎215
The lion's share较大的份额最大的份额216
Loaves and fishes物质利益世俗利益217
Look to one's laurels确保名声218
Love me,love my dog爱屋及乌220
Make bricks without straw做无米之炊221
Man Friday忠实的仆从222
A mare's nest虚幻之物无稽之谈224
Meet one's Waterloo一败涂地遭到惨败225
Milk and honey繁荣丰饶安居乐业226
The milk of human kindness善良天性恻隐之心227
Mind your P's and q's谨言慎行229
Mistake the shadow for substance以假当真捕风捉影230
Money makes the mare go金钱万能有钱能使鬼推磨231
More sinned against than sinning人负己甚于己负人受罚过重232
Much ado about nothing无事生非庸人自扰234
Much cry and little wool雷声大雨点稀236
Nail to thepillory钉在耻辱柱上受到羞辱237
Neither fish nor fowl不伦不类239
Naked truth赤裸裸的真相239
Neither rhyme nor reason无缘无故毫无道理240
New wine in old bottles旧瓶装新酒242
No respecter of persons一视同仁不偏待人243
Nothing like leather自卖自夸244
Not to know a man from Adam素不相识245
Not worth a brass farthing分文不值247
Not worth a damn毫无价值248
The observed of all ooservers 举世瞩目的中心注视的中心248
The old man of the sea 无法摆脱的包袱纠缠休之人250
Old as Methuselah 寿同彭祖250
One's cup of tea 恰合口味正中下怀252
On tenterhooks 焦虑不安 如坐针毡253
On the Greek calends 遥遥无期254
On the house 添头奉送免费奉送255
On the side of the angels 坚持传统观念256
Open Sesame 开门咒敲门砖257
Out-herod Herod 有过之而无不及 做得过火258
Out of humour 闷闷不乐情绪不高260
Over a barrel 受制于人 任人摆布261
Paddle one's own canoe 管自己的事独力谋生262
Pandora's box 祸患之源263
Pass the buck 推卸责任264
Peeping Tom 探人隐私的人266
A Philadelphia lawyer 精明的人266
Play possum 假装267
Play the sedulous ape 依样画葫芦 一味模仿269
Poor as Job 家徒四壁270
A pound of flesh 逼还的债务敲诈勒索272
The Procrustean bed 死框框逼人就范之物273
A prophet is not without honour,save in his own country 本地姜不辣 本村无圣哲274
Prunes and prism 矫揉造作 装腔作势275
Pull the chestnuts out of the fire火中取栗277
Pull the wool over one's eycs欺骗蒙蔽278
Pure as Psyche 纯洁无瑕279
Put a spoke in the wheel 阻挠计划阻止发生281
Pyrrhic victory 得不偿失282
Rain cats and dogs 大雨滂沱283
Raise Cain 大吵大闹284
The real Simon Pure 货真价实并非假冒285
Rank and file 普通百姓普通士兵285
Return to our muttons 言归正传286
Rich as Croesus 巨万豪富287
Rise from the ashes 从灰烬中新生 在废墟中重建288
Rob Peter to pay Paul拆东墙补西墙289
A Roland for an Oliver 一报还一报290
Run the gauntlet遭受夹道鞭笞受到严厉攻击292
Sail under false colours 挂羊头卖狗肉 打假招牌293
The salt of the earth社会中坚高尚的人294
Sell Robin Hood's pennyworth廉价出售半价出售295
Sell one's brthright for a mess of pottage见利忘义 因小失大296
Send one to coventry断绝关系 受人排挤298
Separate the sheep from the goat s分清良莠区别善恶299
Shak e the dust from one'sfeet断然离去毫不惋惜地离开300
Show the cloven hoof原形毕露 露出马脚301
Show the white feather 显示懦弱303
Shuffle off this mortal coil离开尘世斩断尘缘304
Simon Legree 残暴之人 凶狠的工头305
The Slough of Despond极度沮丧绝望的深渊306
Socratic irony苏格拉底式的反语法307
Some thing rotten in the state of Denmark 乌七八糟309
A soft answer turneth away wrath婉言可以息怒309
Sour grapes酸葡萄310
Sow dragon's teeth 引起纠纷311
Spare the rod教子不严312
Sphinx's riddle斯芬克司之谜 难解之谜313
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak心有余而力不足314
Still small voice良心的呼声315
Stones will cry out顽石长叹316
Strain at a gnat and swallow a camel 见小不见大317
Strang?bed fellows萍水相逢之人318
The strength of Antaeus精神饱满320
Swift as Mercury妙手神偷321
Sword of Damocles悬剑头上 死到临头322
Take French leave不辞而别 溜之大吉323
Take the cake超群出众324
Take time by the forelock不失时机325
Talk Billingsgate污言秽语326
Talk through one's hat胡言乱语 不着边际327
Talk turkey谈正经事328
Tell it to the marines信口胡诌329
A thorn in the flesh烦恼的根源眼中钉330
Through with one's star运交华盖好运已过331
Throw down the gauntlet向别人挑战332
Throw dust in one's eyes蒙蔽某人欺骗某人334
The touch of Midas点金术334
Touch wood但愿交好运335
The tower of Babel空中楼阁空想的计划336
Tower of ivory象牙之塔338
Trojan horse特洛伊木马339
The tune the old cow died of空言无补340
Tweedledum and tweedledee半斤八两名异实同341
Under the aegis of somebody受人庇护 由某人主办343
U nder the rose秘而不宣私下地秘密地344
The valley of the shadow of death死亡笼罩的幽谷临死的痛苦时刻345
The Vicar of Bray见风使舵之人346
Wal k Spani sh被迫行动被解雇347
The wandering Jew流浪者348
Wash one's hands of洗手不干 不承担责任349
Wear one's heart on one's slee ve埂分坦率公开表露感情351
Wear the willow 痛失心上人悲叹爱人之死352
The web of Penelope缓兵之计 永远完不成的工作353
The wheel of fortune人生的变迁命运354
Whipping boy替罪羔羊355
White elephant 沉重负担356
Whited sepulchre伪善之徒357
Wise as Solomon极富智慧象所罗门一样聪明358
Wolf in sheep's clothing披着羊皮的狼359
Worship the golden calf 崇拜金犊 为金钱折腰360
Wrangle for an ass's shadow 无益的争吵361
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