
- (美)科斯特斯(Costales,B.)等编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国电力出版社
- ISBN:7508303091
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:456页
- 文件大小:34MB
- 文件页数:481页
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I: A Tutorial1
1: Introduction3
1.1 MUA Versus MTA4
1.2 Why Is sendmail So Complex?4
1.3 Three Important Parts5
1.4 Run sendmail by Hand6
1.5 The Header8
1.6 The Body8
1.7 The Envelope9
1.8 Things to Try10
2: Hava a V813
2.1 Get the Source13
2.2 Read the Documents14
2.3 What s What in src15
2.4 Preliminaries16
2.5 Build19
2.6 Test It20
2.7 Things to Try21
3: The Roles of sendmail23
3.1 Role in the Filesystem23
3.2 Role in Local Delivery27
3.3 Role in Network Transport29
3.4 Role as a Daemon30
3.5 Thins to Try31
4: How to Run sendmail33
4.1 Become a Mode(-b)34
4.2 Verbose(-v)39
4.3 Debugging(-d)43
4.4 Things to Try44
5: The sendmail.cf File47
5.1 Overview47
5.2 The Minimal File49
5.3 A Quick Tour50
5.4 Things to Try55
6: The Mail Hub and Delivery Agents57
6.2 Define a Mail Delivery Agent59
6.1 The client.cf File59
6.3 The Local Delivery Agent61
6.4 Add the Missing Parts to Mhub66
6.5 Things to Try67
7: Macros69
7.1 Overview69
7.2 Defining Macros71
7.3 Predefined Macros72
7.4 Things to Try75
8.1 A Fictional Network77
8: Addresses and Rules77
8.2 Why Rules?81
8.3 Rule Sets83
8.4 Rules85
8.5 The Workspace86
8.6 The Flow of Addresses Through Rules87
8.7 Wildcard Operators89
8.8 Things to Try94
9: Rule Set O95
9.1 Introducing Rule Set O96
9.2 The RHS Triple96
9.3 Testing Rule Set O99
9.4 The error Delivery Agent100
9.5 Things to Try101
10: Rule Set 3103
10.1 Why Preprocess?104
10.2 Rule Set 3105
10.3 Missing Addresses108
10.4 Nested Angle Brackets109
10.5 Details of Rule Flow111
10.6 Things to Try113
11: Rule Sets 1 and S=115
11.1 Flow of the Sender s Address115
11.2 Rule Set S=116
11.3 All Mail from the Hub117
11.4 Rule Set Hubset117
11.5 Testing So Far120
11.6 Handling user?thishost121
11.7 Rule Set 1123
11.8 Things to Try124
12: Class127
12.1 The Class Command128
12.2 The File Form of Class135
12.3 Things to Try138
13: Setting Options139
13.1 Options: An Overview139
13.2 Required Options140
13.3 Testing the Options146
13.4 Sending Mail147
13.5 Things to Try148
14: Headers,Precedence,and Trust149
14.1 Headers149
14.2 Headers Versus Delivery Agent Flags153
14.3 Headers Learned So Far155
14.4 Precedence156
14.5 Sending Real Mail157
14.6 Trusted User158
14.7 Things to Try159
15: Install and Test the client,cf File161
15.1 Test the Configuration File161
15.2 The Real Queue Directory163
15.3 MX Records164
15.4 Hub Accepts Mail for Client166
15.5 Prevent the Daemon from Running169
15.6 Install the client.cf File170
15.7 Things to Try171
16: The null,mc File and m4173
16.1 The cf/cf Directory173
16.2 The null.mc File174
16.3 Run m4175
16.4 Test the Result176
16.5 Qualify All Addresses?177
16.6 Things to Try178
17: The Hub s Complex Rules179
17.1 Rule Set 3180
17.2 Rule Set 96185
17.3 Rule Set 0187
17.4 Rule Set 4188
17.5 Things to Try189
II: Build and Install191
18: Compile and Install sendmail193
18.1 To Use or Not to Use193
18.2 Vendor Versus Compiling194
18.3 Obtain the Source195
18.4 Tuning Makefile198
18.5 Run Make203
18.6 Install sendmail204
18.7 Pitfalls205
18.8 Alphabetized Reference206
19: V8 m4 Configuration241
19.1 The m4 Preprocessor241
19.2 Build with m4244
19.3 The Minimal mc File246
19.4 m4 Macros by Function251
19.6 Alphabetized m4 Macros256
19.5 Pitfalls256
20:The Checkcompat O Cookbook285
20.1 How checkcompat O Works286
20.2 The Cookbook288
20.3 Alphabetized V8.8 Subroutines297
III: Administration303
21: DNS and sendmail305
21.1 Overview305
21.2 How sendmail Uses DNS309
21.3 Set Up MX Records314
21.4 How to Use nslookup320
21.5 Prepare for Disaster322
21.6 Pitfalls326
22.1 Why root?327
22.2 The Environment329
22.3 SMTP Probes330
22.4 The Configuration File333
22.5 Permissions338
22.6 The Aliases File343
22.7 Forged Mail344
22.8 Security Features347
22.9 Pitfalls355
23: The Queue357
23.1 Overview of the Queue358
23.2 Parts of a Queued Message359
23.3 A Bogus qf File (V8 only):Qf364
23.4 Printing the Queue366
23.5 How the Queue Is Processed369
23.6 Cause the Queue to Be Processed371
23.7 Process Alternate Queue376
23.8 Pitfalls378
23.9 The qf File Internals379
24.1 The aliases(5)File393
24.2 Forms of Alias Delivery397
24.3 Write a Delivery Agent Script402
24.4 Special Aliases404
24.5 The Aliases Database408
24.6 Prevent Aliasing with-n411
24.7 Pitfalls413
25: Mailing Lists and~/.forward415
25.1 Internal Mailing Lists415
25.2 :include:Mailing Lists416
25.3 Defining a Mailing List Owner420
25.4 Exploder Mailing Lists421
25.5 Problems with Mailing Lists422
25.6 Packages That Help425
25.7 The User s~/.forward File426
25.8 Pitfalls432
26: Logging and Statistics435
26.1 Logging with syslog435
26.2 Statistics446
26.3 Signaling the Daemon449
26.4 Log Transactions with-X453
26.5 Pitfalls454
27:Tbe Configuration File459
27.1 Overall Syntax460
27.2 Comments461
27.3 V8 Comments461
27.4 Continuation Lines462
27.5 The V Configuration Command462
27.6 Pitfalls464
28.1 Overview465
28: Rules465
28.2 Tokenizing Rules469
28.3 The Workspace472
28.4 The Behavior of a Rule472
28.5 The LHS473
28.6 The RHS475
28.7 Pitfalls486
29:Rule Sets487
29.1 The S Configuration Command487
29.2 Rule Sets and m4492
29.3 The Sequence of Rule Sets494
29.4 Rule Set 3496
29.5 Rule Set 4500
29.6 Rule Set 0501
29.7 Rule Set 5505
29.8 Rule Set 2506
29.9 Rule Set 1507
29.10 The check-…Rule Sets507
29.11 Pitfalls513
30: Delivery Agents515
30.1 Configuration File Syntax515
30.2 The Symbolic Name516
30.3 m4 Configuration Syntax517
30.4 The Equates519
30.5 Internally Defined Names538
30.6 How Executed542
30.7 Pitfalls544
30.8 Alphabetized F= Flags545
31: Defined Macros569
31.1 Preassigned Macros570
31.2 Command-Line Definitions570
31.3 Configuration File Definitons572
31.4 Macro Names574
31.5 Macro Expansion: $ and $ 576
31.6 Macro Conditionals: ?,$|,and $580
31.7 Categories of Macros581
31.8 Macros with the m4 Technique582
31.9 Pitfalls583
31.10 Alpahabetized Reference584
32: Class Macros609
32.1 Class Configuration Commands609
32.2 Access Class in Rules613
32.3 Class with m4617
32.4 Pitfalls618
32.5 Alphabetized Reference619
33: Database Macros625
33.1 Enable at Compile Time626
33.2 Create Files with makemap627
33.3 The K Configuration Command630
33.4 Use Maps with $(and $)in Rules638
33.5 The User Database642
33.6 Database Maps and m4645
33.7 Pitfalls646
33.8 Alphabetized Reference647
34: Options663
34.1 Command-Line Options664
34.2 Configuration-File Options667
34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options668
34.4 Alphabetical Table of All Options671
34.5 Option Argument Types673
34.6 Interrelating Options676
34.7 Pitfalls679
34.8 Alphabetized Reference680
35: Headers773
35.1 The H Configuration Command773
35.2 Header Names775
35.3 Header Field Contents776
35.4 ?flags? in Header Definitions780
35.5 Header Behavior in conf.c781
35.6 Headers by Category784
35.7 Forwarding with Resent-Headers788
35.8 Precedence790
35.9 Pitfalls791
35.10 Alphabetized Reference792
36.1 Alternative argv[0]Names811
36: The Command Line811
36.2 Command-Line Switches815
36.3 List of Recipient Addresses817
36.4 Processing the Command Line817
36.5 sendmail s exitO Status819
36.6 Pitfalls827
36.7 Alphabetized Reference828
37: Debugging With-d845
37.1 The Syntax of-d845
37.3 Interpreting the Output847
37.2 Debugging Behavior847
37.4 Pitfalls850
37.5 Reference in Numerical Order850
38: Rule-Set Testing with-bt949
38.1 Overview949
38.2 Configuration Lines951
38.3 Dump a Macro953
38.4 Show an Item955
38.5 Complex Actions Made Simple957
38.6 Process-Specified Addresses966
38.7 Add Debugging for Detail970
38.8 Batch Rule-Set Testing971
38.9 Pitfalls972
V: Appendixes973
A: The client.cf File975
B: Host Status File Internals977
C: The Berkeley DB Database981
D: Sun Enbancements985
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